The angular dependence d intensity of quasi-elastic neutron scattering J{sub ky}({Theta}) for metheglobin are considered. Formerly fouded anomalous dependence behaviour J{sub ky}({Theta}) had been confirmed. And the decription on the basis of Vakabajasi model are described. The results of relative angular detectors standard of the thermal and monochromatic neutron spectrometer type DIN-2PI are presented. 12 refs.
Citation Formats
Tumanov, A A, Grazkov, Yu Yu, and Abramov, A V.
Measuring the intensity of quasi-elastic neutron scattering for metheme-globin at the DIN-2PI spectrometer; Izmerenie intensivnosti kvaziuprugogo rasseyaniya nejtronov ot metgemoglobina na spektrometre DIN-2PI.
USSR: N. p.,
Tumanov, A A, Grazkov, Yu Yu, & Abramov, A V.
Measuring the intensity of quasi-elastic neutron scattering for metheme-globin at the DIN-2PI spectrometer; Izmerenie intensivnosti kvaziuprugogo rasseyaniya nejtronov ot metgemoglobina na spektrometre DIN-2PI.
Tumanov, A A, Grazkov, Yu Yu, and Abramov, A V.
"Measuring the intensity of quasi-elastic neutron scattering for metheme-globin at the DIN-2PI spectrometer; Izmerenie intensivnosti kvaziuprugogo rasseyaniya nejtronov ot metgemoglobina na spektrometre DIN-2PI."
title = {Measuring the intensity of quasi-elastic neutron scattering for metheme-globin at the DIN-2PI spectrometer; Izmerenie intensivnosti kvaziuprugogo rasseyaniya nejtronov ot metgemoglobina na spektrometre DIN-2PI}
author = {Tumanov, A A, Grazkov, Yu Yu, and Abramov, A V}
abstractNote = {The angular dependence d intensity of quasi-elastic neutron scattering J{sub ky}({Theta}) for metheglobin are considered. Formerly fouded anomalous dependence behaviour J{sub ky}({Theta}) had been confirmed. And the decription on the basis of Vakabajasi model are described. The results of relative angular detectors standard of the thermal and monochromatic neutron spectrometer type DIN-2PI are presented. 12 refs.}
place = {USSR}
year = {1990}
month = {Dec}
title = {Measuring the intensity of quasi-elastic neutron scattering for metheme-globin at the DIN-2PI spectrometer; Izmerenie intensivnosti kvaziuprugogo rasseyaniya nejtronov ot metgemoglobina na spektrometre DIN-2PI}
author = {Tumanov, A A, Grazkov, Yu Yu, and Abramov, A V}
abstractNote = {The angular dependence d intensity of quasi-elastic neutron scattering J{sub ky}({Theta}) for metheglobin are considered. Formerly fouded anomalous dependence behaviour J{sub ky}({Theta}) had been confirmed. And the decription on the basis of Vakabajasi model are described. The results of relative angular detectors standard of the thermal and monochromatic neutron spectrometer type DIN-2PI are presented. 12 refs.}
place = {USSR}
year = {1990}
month = {Dec}