We give a two-parametric solution of graded Yang-Baxter equation (YBE) perform the Yang-Baxterization to obtain the solution of quantum YBE, and we give the two-parametric quantized superalgebra U{sub qq}gl(1/1). (author). 19 refs.
Hong, Yan;
Yan, Zhou;
Tianhua, Zhu
- International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste (Italy)
- Kansas State Univ., Manhattan, KS (United States). Dept. of Physics
- Columbia Univ., New York, NY (United States). Dept. of Physics
Citation Formats
Hong, Yan, Yan, Zhou, and Tianhua, Zhu.
A two-parametric solution to graded Yang-Baxter equation and two-parametric deformed algebra U{sub qq}gl(1/1).
IAEA: N. p.,
Hong, Yan, Yan, Zhou, & Tianhua, Zhu.
A two-parametric solution to graded Yang-Baxter equation and two-parametric deformed algebra U{sub qq}gl(1/1).
Hong, Yan, Yan, Zhou, and Tianhua, Zhu.
"A two-parametric solution to graded Yang-Baxter equation and two-parametric deformed algebra U{sub qq}gl(1/1)."
title = {A two-parametric solution to graded Yang-Baxter equation and two-parametric deformed algebra U{sub qq}gl(1/1)}
author = {Hong, Yan, Yan, Zhou, and Tianhua, Zhu}
abstractNote = {We give a two-parametric solution of graded Yang-Baxter equation (YBE) perform the Yang-Baxterization to obtain the solution of quantum YBE, and we give the two-parametric quantized superalgebra U{sub qq}gl(1/1). (author). 19 refs.}
place = {IAEA}
year = {1991}
month = {Sep}
title = {A two-parametric solution to graded Yang-Baxter equation and two-parametric deformed algebra U{sub qq}gl(1/1)}
author = {Hong, Yan, Yan, Zhou, and Tianhua, Zhu}
abstractNote = {We give a two-parametric solution of graded Yang-Baxter equation (YBE) perform the Yang-Baxterization to obtain the solution of quantum YBE, and we give the two-parametric quantized superalgebra U{sub qq}gl(1/1). (author). 19 refs.}
place = {IAEA}
year = {1991}
month = {Sep}