A Riemannian V{sub n} with zero Ricci curvature is characterized and the reason why the V{sub 2} and V{sub 3} are excluded from the class of spaces is explained. The case for a V{sub n} to be a space of zero Ricci curvature is studied. The conditions that a V{sub n} of zero Ricci curvature be flat are found. A few results on the space satisfying some other curvature conditions are then derived. (author). 8 refs.
Citation Formats
Rahman, M S.
On some types of Riemannian V{sub n} with zero Ricci curvature.
IAEA: N. p.,
Rahman, M S.
On some types of Riemannian V{sub n} with zero Ricci curvature.
Rahman, M S.
"On some types of Riemannian V{sub n} with zero Ricci curvature."
title = {On some types of Riemannian V{sub n} with zero Ricci curvature}
author = {Rahman, M S}
abstractNote = {A Riemannian V{sub n} with zero Ricci curvature is characterized and the reason why the V{sub 2} and V{sub 3} are excluded from the class of spaces is explained. The case for a V{sub n} to be a space of zero Ricci curvature is studied. The conditions that a V{sub n} of zero Ricci curvature be flat are found. A few results on the space satisfying some other curvature conditions are then derived. (author). 8 refs.}
place = {IAEA}
year = {1991}
month = {Sep}
title = {On some types of Riemannian V{sub n} with zero Ricci curvature}
author = {Rahman, M S}
abstractNote = {A Riemannian V{sub n} with zero Ricci curvature is characterized and the reason why the V{sub 2} and V{sub 3} are excluded from the class of spaces is explained. The case for a V{sub n} to be a space of zero Ricci curvature is studied. The conditions that a V{sub n} of zero Ricci curvature be flat are found. A few results on the space satisfying some other curvature conditions are then derived. (author). 8 refs.}
place = {IAEA}
year = {1991}
month = {Sep}