The results of multidrift module (MDM) single cell coordinate accuracy simulation with the help of GARFIELD program are presented. MDM hexagonal drift cell coordinate accuracy dependence on the distance between the anod wire and a charged track at different electron detection thresholds and different gas pressure are calculated. Simulation is done for MDM filled with dimethylether or gas mixture Ar-CO{sub 2}:90/10. 7 refs.
Citation Formats
Ivanyushenkov, Yu M, and Kostyukhin, V V.
Simulation of multidrift module single cell coordinate accuracy with the help of the GARFIELD program; Modelirovanie tochnostnykh kharakteristik mnogoyacheistogo drejfovogo modulya pri pomoshchi programmy GARFIELD.
USSR: N. p.,
Ivanyushenkov, Yu M, & Kostyukhin, V V.
Simulation of multidrift module single cell coordinate accuracy with the help of the GARFIELD program; Modelirovanie tochnostnykh kharakteristik mnogoyacheistogo drejfovogo modulya pri pomoshchi programmy GARFIELD.
Ivanyushenkov, Yu M, and Kostyukhin, V V.
"Simulation of multidrift module single cell coordinate accuracy with the help of the GARFIELD program; Modelirovanie tochnostnykh kharakteristik mnogoyacheistogo drejfovogo modulya pri pomoshchi programmy GARFIELD."
title = {Simulation of multidrift module single cell coordinate accuracy with the help of the GARFIELD program; Modelirovanie tochnostnykh kharakteristik mnogoyacheistogo drejfovogo modulya pri pomoshchi programmy GARFIELD}
author = {Ivanyushenkov, Yu M, and Kostyukhin, V V}
abstractNote = {The results of multidrift module (MDM) single cell coordinate accuracy simulation with the help of GARFIELD program are presented. MDM hexagonal drift cell coordinate accuracy dependence on the distance between the anod wire and a charged track at different electron detection thresholds and different gas pressure are calculated. Simulation is done for MDM filled with dimethylether or gas mixture Ar-CO{sub 2}:90/10. 7 refs.}
place = {USSR}
year = {1991}
month = {Dec}
title = {Simulation of multidrift module single cell coordinate accuracy with the help of the GARFIELD program; Modelirovanie tochnostnykh kharakteristik mnogoyacheistogo drejfovogo modulya pri pomoshchi programmy GARFIELD}
author = {Ivanyushenkov, Yu M, and Kostyukhin, V V}
abstractNote = {The results of multidrift module (MDM) single cell coordinate accuracy simulation with the help of GARFIELD program are presented. MDM hexagonal drift cell coordinate accuracy dependence on the distance between the anod wire and a charged track at different electron detection thresholds and different gas pressure are calculated. Simulation is done for MDM filled with dimethylether or gas mixture Ar-CO{sub 2}:90/10. 7 refs.}
place = {USSR}
year = {1991}
month = {Dec}