The report contains all the material used for a policy evaluation program of energy scenarios. Within the context of a KFA-study on social impacts the model of the planning cell was used to incorporate participation into the process of policy formulation and evaluation and to gain information about intuitive preferences concerning the four basic energy scenarios constructed by the Enquete Commission of the German Federal Parliament. Planning Cells consist of groups of citizens who are selected by random process and are given paid leave from their workday obligations for a limited period of time to work out solutions for social problems. A total of 24 planning cells were organized throughout Germany to evaluate four energy scenarious and to formulate recommendations for the policy maker. All material regarding the information and education of the public panels as well as the questionnaires and discussion outlines are collected in this report and briefly commented. (orig.).
Citation Formats
Social compatibility of energy supply systems. Materials volume 1; Sozialvertraeglichkeit von Energieversorgungssystemen. Materialband 1.
Germany: N. p.,
Social compatibility of energy supply systems. Materials volume 1; Sozialvertraeglichkeit von Energieversorgungssystemen. Materialband 1.
"Social compatibility of energy supply systems. Materials volume 1; Sozialvertraeglichkeit von Energieversorgungssystemen. Materialband 1."
title = {Social compatibility of energy supply systems. Materials volume 1; Sozialvertraeglichkeit von Energieversorgungssystemen. Materialband 1}
author = {None}
abstractNote = {The report contains all the material used for a policy evaluation program of energy scenarios. Within the context of a KFA-study on social impacts the model of the planning cell was used to incorporate participation into the process of policy formulation and evaluation and to gain information about intuitive preferences concerning the four basic energy scenarios constructed by the Enquete Commission of the German Federal Parliament. Planning Cells consist of groups of citizens who are selected by random process and are given paid leave from their workday obligations for a limited period of time to work out solutions for social problems. A total of 24 planning cells were organized throughout Germany to evaluate four energy scenarious and to formulate recommendations for the policy maker. All material regarding the information and education of the public panels as well as the questionnaires and discussion outlines are collected in this report and briefly commented. (orig.).}
place = {Germany}
year = {1985}
month = {Jan}
title = {Social compatibility of energy supply systems. Materials volume 1; Sozialvertraeglichkeit von Energieversorgungssystemen. Materialband 1}
author = {None}
abstractNote = {The report contains all the material used for a policy evaluation program of energy scenarios. Within the context of a KFA-study on social impacts the model of the planning cell was used to incorporate participation into the process of policy formulation and evaluation and to gain information about intuitive preferences concerning the four basic energy scenarios constructed by the Enquete Commission of the German Federal Parliament. Planning Cells consist of groups of citizens who are selected by random process and are given paid leave from their workday obligations for a limited period of time to work out solutions for social problems. A total of 24 planning cells were organized throughout Germany to evaluate four energy scenarious and to formulate recommendations for the policy maker. All material regarding the information and education of the public panels as well as the questionnaires and discussion outlines are collected in this report and briefly commented. (orig.).}
place = {Germany}
year = {1985}
month = {Jan}