At UP3 reprocessing plant, nuclear measurements contribute to the criticality control and process control. These measurements with their interpretation softwares constitute the process nuclear monitoring system. In UP3/T1 (Shearing-Dissolution building), different devices are located on the process from the burn-up control of irradiated fuel assemblies until the hulls drum characterization. In the other parts of UP3, nuclear measurements are mainly used for the monitoring of solutions (Measurement of beta/gamma contamination with ZEBULON device, measurement of alpha contents with ANPu, measurement of Pu concentration, Pu distribution and fissile material accumulation with neutron counters). The different stations, measurement methods and their relationship with the reprocessing process are described in this paper. The qualification results, obtained in laboratories and in site as well as the first results since UP3 start-up are presented.
Lamarque, G;
Bernard, P;
Le Guillou, G;
Martin-Deidier, L;
Chabert, J;
Fournier, W;
Laloe, M
- CEA Centre d`Etudes de la Vallee du Rhone, 30 - Marcoule (FR). Direction du Cycle du Combustible
- CEA Centre d`Etudes de Cadarache, 13 - Saint-Paul-lez-Durance (FR). Direction des Reacteurs Nucleaires
- Societe Generale pour les Techniques Nouvelles (SGN), 78 - Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (FR)
- Compagnie Generale des Matieres Nucleaires (COGEMA), 50 - Cherbourg (FR). Etablissement de La Hague
Citation Formats
Lamarque, G, Bernard, P, Le Guillou, G, Martin-Deidier, L, Chabert, J, Fournier, W, and Laloe, M.
Process nuclear monitoring at UP3.
France: N. p.,
Lamarque, G, Bernard, P, Le Guillou, G, Martin-Deidier, L, Chabert, J, Fournier, W, & Laloe, M.
Process nuclear monitoring at UP3.
Lamarque, G, Bernard, P, Le Guillou, G, Martin-Deidier, L, Chabert, J, Fournier, W, and Laloe, M.
"Process nuclear monitoring at UP3."
title = {Process nuclear monitoring at UP3}
author = {Lamarque, G, Bernard, P, Le Guillou, G, Martin-Deidier, L, Chabert, J, Fournier, W, and Laloe, M}
abstractNote = {At UP3 reprocessing plant, nuclear measurements contribute to the criticality control and process control. These measurements with their interpretation softwares constitute the process nuclear monitoring system. In UP3/T1 (Shearing-Dissolution building), different devices are located on the process from the burn-up control of irradiated fuel assemblies until the hulls drum characterization. In the other parts of UP3, nuclear measurements are mainly used for the monitoring of solutions (Measurement of beta/gamma contamination with ZEBULON device, measurement of alpha contents with ANPu, measurement of Pu concentration, Pu distribution and fissile material accumulation with neutron counters). The different stations, measurement methods and their relationship with the reprocessing process are described in this paper. The qualification results, obtained in laboratories and in site as well as the first results since UP3 start-up are presented.}
place = {France}
year = {1991}
month = {Dec}
title = {Process nuclear monitoring at UP3}
author = {Lamarque, G, Bernard, P, Le Guillou, G, Martin-Deidier, L, Chabert, J, Fournier, W, and Laloe, M}
abstractNote = {At UP3 reprocessing plant, nuclear measurements contribute to the criticality control and process control. These measurements with their interpretation softwares constitute the process nuclear monitoring system. In UP3/T1 (Shearing-Dissolution building), different devices are located on the process from the burn-up control of irradiated fuel assemblies until the hulls drum characterization. In the other parts of UP3, nuclear measurements are mainly used for the monitoring of solutions (Measurement of beta/gamma contamination with ZEBULON device, measurement of alpha contents with ANPu, measurement of Pu concentration, Pu distribution and fissile material accumulation with neutron counters). The different stations, measurement methods and their relationship with the reprocessing process are described in this paper. The qualification results, obtained in laboratories and in site as well as the first results since UP3 start-up are presented.}
place = {France}
year = {1991}
month = {Dec}