The JNFS Rokkasho reprocessing plant is a large scale commercial reprocessing plant. Liquid waste treatment relies on concentration by evaporation. The management of liquid wastes is rather sophisticated and implies, beside the organic wastes, sorting out between process and non-process, acidic and salt-bearing, tritiated and low tritiated streams and also according to their level of activity. A particular attention had to be paid to the analytical wastes, as their particularity is to contain not only a significant amount of radioactivity but also some fissile material and exotic chemicals which are useful for analytical purpose but unwanted in the main process mainly because of their corrosive and chelating properties. The analytical wastes are sorted out according to their activity level and fissile material content. On the one hand, a specific process has been developed to recover the bulk of plutonium from the analytical wastes. On the other hand, the foreseeable amount of unwanted chemicals (such as chloride ions) has been drastically reduced by carefully selecting all the analytical methods either by modification of already known methods or in some cases by working out new methods.
Madic, C;
Moulin, J P;
Runge, S;
Schott, R;
Mukohara, S;
Kashiwai, T;
Hayashi, M
- CEA Centre d`Etudes de Fontenay-aux-Roses, 92 (FR)
- Societe Generale pour les Techniques Nouvelles (SGN), 78 - Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (FR)
- Compagnie Generale des Matieres Nucleaires (COGEMA), 50 - Cherbourg (FR). Etablissement de La Hague
- Japan Nuclear Fuel Service Co., Ltd. Tokyo (JP)
- Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. Tokyo (JP)
- Mitsubishi Atomic Power Industries, Inc., Tokyo (JP)
Citation Formats
Madic, C, Moulin, J P, Runge, S, Schott, R, Mukohara, S, Kashiwai, T, and Hayashi, M.
Advanced techniques for analytic liquid wastes management in the Rokkasho reprocessing plant.
France: N. p.,
Madic, C, Moulin, J P, Runge, S, Schott, R, Mukohara, S, Kashiwai, T, & Hayashi, M.
Advanced techniques for analytic liquid wastes management in the Rokkasho reprocessing plant.
Madic, C, Moulin, J P, Runge, S, Schott, R, Mukohara, S, Kashiwai, T, and Hayashi, M.
"Advanced techniques for analytic liquid wastes management in the Rokkasho reprocessing plant."
title = {Advanced techniques for analytic liquid wastes management in the Rokkasho reprocessing plant}
author = {Madic, C, Moulin, J P, Runge, S, Schott, R, Mukohara, S, Kashiwai, T, and Hayashi, M}
abstractNote = {The JNFS Rokkasho reprocessing plant is a large scale commercial reprocessing plant. Liquid waste treatment relies on concentration by evaporation. The management of liquid wastes is rather sophisticated and implies, beside the organic wastes, sorting out between process and non-process, acidic and salt-bearing, tritiated and low tritiated streams and also according to their level of activity. A particular attention had to be paid to the analytical wastes, as their particularity is to contain not only a significant amount of radioactivity but also some fissile material and exotic chemicals which are useful for analytical purpose but unwanted in the main process mainly because of their corrosive and chelating properties. The analytical wastes are sorted out according to their activity level and fissile material content. On the one hand, a specific process has been developed to recover the bulk of plutonium from the analytical wastes. On the other hand, the foreseeable amount of unwanted chemicals (such as chloride ions) has been drastically reduced by carefully selecting all the analytical methods either by modification of already known methods or in some cases by working out new methods.}
place = {France}
year = {1991}
month = {Dec}
title = {Advanced techniques for analytic liquid wastes management in the Rokkasho reprocessing plant}
author = {Madic, C, Moulin, J P, Runge, S, Schott, R, Mukohara, S, Kashiwai, T, and Hayashi, M}
abstractNote = {The JNFS Rokkasho reprocessing plant is a large scale commercial reprocessing plant. Liquid waste treatment relies on concentration by evaporation. The management of liquid wastes is rather sophisticated and implies, beside the organic wastes, sorting out between process and non-process, acidic and salt-bearing, tritiated and low tritiated streams and also according to their level of activity. A particular attention had to be paid to the analytical wastes, as their particularity is to contain not only a significant amount of radioactivity but also some fissile material and exotic chemicals which are useful for analytical purpose but unwanted in the main process mainly because of their corrosive and chelating properties. The analytical wastes are sorted out according to their activity level and fissile material content. On the one hand, a specific process has been developed to recover the bulk of plutonium from the analytical wastes. On the other hand, the foreseeable amount of unwanted chemicals (such as chloride ions) has been drastically reduced by carefully selecting all the analytical methods either by modification of already known methods or in some cases by working out new methods.}
place = {France}
year = {1991}
month = {Dec}