Biofertilizer from biogas plants must be managed in a cost effective manner based on current legislation and certification requirements from the food industry. This manual focuses on liquid biofertilizer and the requirements and costs associated with this product. At an early stage analyze market (beneficiaries of biofertilizers), dissemination area and thus the disposal of biofertilizer is very crucial to reduce the costs of the whole biofertilizer management. Certifying biofertilizers under Swedish Waste Management system of 'Certified recycling' (SPCR 120) increases the possibility of outlets and thus the value of biofertilizer. Nutrient and heavy metal content of biofertilizer affects the size (ha) on the estate. Maximum of phosphorus may not exceed 22 kg / ha. Often, the contents of plant nutrients limit the distribution size, but sometimes even the heavy metals are the limiting factors (for certified biofertilizers). Normally, the distribution size is 20-40 tonnes / ha, but must be adapted to crop needs, soil conditions and the diffusion limitations mentioned above. Biofertilizers are typically handled in three stages: storage, distribution and dissemination. Storage containers must have a stable floating crust or roof and the storage volume to cope with 80-10 months of production of biofertilizer. The cost of storage varies
Citation Formats
Biofertilizer manual - biofertilizer from large-scale bio-gas plants; Biogoedselhandbok - Biogoedsel fraan storskaliga bio-gasanlaeggningar.
Sweden: N. p.,
Biofertilizer manual - biofertilizer from large-scale bio-gas plants; Biogoedselhandbok - Biogoedsel fraan storskaliga bio-gasanlaeggningar.
"Biofertilizer manual - biofertilizer from large-scale bio-gas plants; Biogoedselhandbok - Biogoedsel fraan storskaliga bio-gasanlaeggningar."
title = {Biofertilizer manual - biofertilizer from large-scale bio-gas plants; Biogoedselhandbok - Biogoedsel fraan storskaliga bio-gasanlaeggningar}
author = {None}
abstractNote = {Biofertilizer from biogas plants must be managed in a cost effective manner based on current legislation and certification requirements from the food industry. This manual focuses on liquid biofertilizer and the requirements and costs associated with this product. At an early stage analyze market (beneficiaries of biofertilizers), dissemination area and thus the disposal of biofertilizer is very crucial to reduce the costs of the whole biofertilizer management. Certifying biofertilizers under Swedish Waste Management system of 'Certified recycling' (SPCR 120) increases the possibility of outlets and thus the value of biofertilizer. Nutrient and heavy metal content of biofertilizer affects the size (ha) on the estate. Maximum of phosphorus may not exceed 22 kg / ha. Often, the contents of plant nutrients limit the distribution size, but sometimes even the heavy metals are the limiting factors (for certified biofertilizers). Normally, the distribution size is 20-40 tonnes / ha, but must be adapted to crop needs, soil conditions and the diffusion limitations mentioned above. Biofertilizers are typically handled in three stages: storage, distribution and dissemination. Storage containers must have a stable floating crust or roof and the storage volume to cope with 80-10 months of production of biofertilizer. The cost of storage varies between 15 and 40 SEK/m{sub 3} storage volume depends on storage technology. Distribution of biofertilizer from the larger biogas plants is usually by truck, but there are also a few examples where the fertilizer is pumped out to the farm. The cost of distribution by truck is somewhat lower when compared with pumping and ranges between 20 and 30 SEK/m{sub 3} within a radius of 10-20 km. If conditions (high proportion of arable land, high interest, low level of infrastructure, etc.) are right pumping can be more cost effective than truck. Spreading cost is usually about 20-28 USD / tonnes and is done either with a tractor and fertilizer barrel or via the supply tube system to reduce soil compaction damage. The value of biofertilizer is primarily affected by the nutrient content and price of fertilizer. The absolute nutrient value of an average biofertilizer in the current situation is about 40 EUR / tonne. However, expenses for management are usually significantly higher than nutrient value and less than (USD / t) at larger volumes of organic residues. This must be considered in the total investment estimate for the biogas project}
place = {Sweden}
year = {2010}
month = {Sep}
title = {Biofertilizer manual - biofertilizer from large-scale bio-gas plants; Biogoedselhandbok - Biogoedsel fraan storskaliga bio-gasanlaeggningar}
author = {None}
abstractNote = {Biofertilizer from biogas plants must be managed in a cost effective manner based on current legislation and certification requirements from the food industry. This manual focuses on liquid biofertilizer and the requirements and costs associated with this product. At an early stage analyze market (beneficiaries of biofertilizers), dissemination area and thus the disposal of biofertilizer is very crucial to reduce the costs of the whole biofertilizer management. Certifying biofertilizers under Swedish Waste Management system of 'Certified recycling' (SPCR 120) increases the possibility of outlets and thus the value of biofertilizer. Nutrient and heavy metal content of biofertilizer affects the size (ha) on the estate. Maximum of phosphorus may not exceed 22 kg / ha. Often, the contents of plant nutrients limit the distribution size, but sometimes even the heavy metals are the limiting factors (for certified biofertilizers). Normally, the distribution size is 20-40 tonnes / ha, but must be adapted to crop needs, soil conditions and the diffusion limitations mentioned above. Biofertilizers are typically handled in three stages: storage, distribution and dissemination. Storage containers must have a stable floating crust or roof and the storage volume to cope with 80-10 months of production of biofertilizer. The cost of storage varies between 15 and 40 SEK/m{sub 3} storage volume depends on storage technology. Distribution of biofertilizer from the larger biogas plants is usually by truck, but there are also a few examples where the fertilizer is pumped out to the farm. The cost of distribution by truck is somewhat lower when compared with pumping and ranges between 20 and 30 SEK/m{sub 3} within a radius of 10-20 km. If conditions (high proportion of arable land, high interest, low level of infrastructure, etc.) are right pumping can be more cost effective than truck. Spreading cost is usually about 20-28 USD / tonnes and is done either with a tractor and fertilizer barrel or via the supply tube system to reduce soil compaction damage. The value of biofertilizer is primarily affected by the nutrient content and price of fertilizer. The absolute nutrient value of an average biofertilizer in the current situation is about 40 EUR / tonne. However, expenses for management are usually significantly higher than nutrient value and less than (USD / t) at larger volumes of organic residues. This must be considered in the total investment estimate for the biogas project}
place = {Sweden}
year = {2010}
month = {Sep}