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Methane measurements manual; Handbok metanmaetningar


Emissions to air in different parts of the system may arise in biogas plants, where there is biological treatment of organic matter by anaerobic degradation, and during upgrading of biogas to vehicle fuel. There are mainly four reasons why these emissions must be minimized. These are safety, greenhouse gas emissions, economy and smell. This manual gathers experience of several years of work with measurement of methane emissions from biogas and upgrading facilities. This work has been done mainly in the context of Swedish Waste Management's system of voluntary commitment. The purpose of this manual is to standardize methods and procedures when methane measurements are carried out so that the results are comparable between different providers. The main target group of the manual is measurement consultants performing such measurements. Calculation template in Excel is part of the manual, which further contributes to the measurements evaluated in a standardized way. The manual contains several examples which have been calculated in the accompanying Excel template. The handbook also contains a chapter mainly intended for facility staff, in which implementation of accurate leak detection is described, and where there are hints of a system of so-called intermediate inspections to detect leaks in time
Holmgren, Magnus Andreas [1] 
  1. SP Technical research institute of Sweden, Boraas (Sweden)
Publication Date:
Feb 15, 2011
Product Type:
Technical Report
Report Number:
Resource Relation:
Other Information: 9 refs., 31 figs., 3 tabs. See also the calculation template which is part of the manual and can be downloaded from
Research Organizations:
Svenskt Gastekniskt Center (SGC), Malmoe (Sweden)
Country of Origin:
Other Identifying Numbers:
Other: ISSN 1102-7371; TRN: SE1107096
Also available from:; OSTI as DE01011585
Submitting Site:
52 p. pages
Announcement Date:
Apr 25, 2011

Citation Formats

Holmgren, Magnus Andreas. Methane measurements manual; Handbok metanmaetningar. Sweden: N. p., 2011. Web.
Holmgren, Magnus Andreas. Methane measurements manual; Handbok metanmaetningar. Sweden.
Holmgren, Magnus Andreas. 2011. "Methane measurements manual; Handbok metanmaetningar." Sweden.
title = {Methane measurements manual; Handbok metanmaetningar}
author = {Holmgren, Magnus Andreas}
abstractNote = {Emissions to air in different parts of the system may arise in biogas plants, where there is biological treatment of organic matter by anaerobic degradation, and during upgrading of biogas to vehicle fuel. There are mainly four reasons why these emissions must be minimized. These are safety, greenhouse gas emissions, economy and smell. This manual gathers experience of several years of work with measurement of methane emissions from biogas and upgrading facilities. This work has been done mainly in the context of Swedish Waste Management's system of voluntary commitment. The purpose of this manual is to standardize methods and procedures when methane measurements are carried out so that the results are comparable between different providers. The main target group of the manual is measurement consultants performing such measurements. Calculation template in Excel is part of the manual, which further contributes to the measurements evaluated in a standardized way. The manual contains several examples which have been calculated in the accompanying Excel template. The handbook also contains a chapter mainly intended for facility staff, in which implementation of accurate leak detection is described, and where there are hints of a system of so-called intermediate inspections to detect leaks in time}
place = {Sweden}
year = {2011}
month = {Feb}