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Impulse sales cooler. Final report


In the past years, the use of impulse coolers has increased considerably and it is estimated that at least 30.000 are installed in shops in Denmark. In addition, there are many small barrel-shaped can coolers. Most impulse coolers are open, which results in a large consumption of energy, and the refrigeration systems are often quite inefficient. A typical impulse cooler uses app. 5 - 8 kWh/day corresponding to a consumption of energy in the magnitude of 60 GWh/year. For several years, the Danish company Vestfrost A/S has produced an impulse sales cooler in the high-efficiency end and the energy consumption of the cooler is measured to be 4.15 kWh/day. The POS72 cooler formed the baseline of this project. At the start-up meeting in 2008, several ideas were discussed with the objective to reduce energy consumption and to use natural refrigerants. Among the ideas were better air curtains, removable lids, better condensers, use of R600a refrigeration system and better insulation. Three generations of prototypes were built and tested in a climate chamber at Danish Technological Institute and the third generation showed very good performance: the energy consumption was measured to 2.215 kWh/day, which is a 47% reduction compared to the baseline.  More>>
Pedersen, Per Henrik [1] 
  1. DTI, Taastrup (Denmark)
Publication Date:
Nov 15, 2010
Product Type:
Technical Report
Report Number:
Resource Relation:
Other Information: PSO-2008; 46 figs., 16 tabs.
Research Organizations:
Danish Technological Institute Energy and Climate, Taastrup (Denmark); Vestfrost A/S, Esbjerg (Denmark); Danish Technical Univ., IPU, Kgs. Lyngby (Denmark); COOP, Albertslund (Denmark); PepsiCo, Purchase, NY (United States)
Country of Origin:
Other Identifying Numbers:
Other: Contract ELFORSK-340-037; TRN: DK1101068
Also available at; OSTI as DE01011562
Submitting Site:
99 p. pages
Announcement Date:
Apr 25, 2011

Citation Formats

Pedersen, Per Henrik. Impulse sales cooler. Final report. Denmark: N. p., 2010. Web.
Pedersen, Per Henrik. Impulse sales cooler. Final report. Denmark.
Pedersen, Per Henrik. 2010. "Impulse sales cooler. Final report." Denmark.
title = {Impulse sales cooler. Final report}
author = {Pedersen, Per Henrik}
abstractNote = {In the past years, the use of impulse coolers has increased considerably and it is estimated that at least 30.000 are installed in shops in Denmark. In addition, there are many small barrel-shaped can coolers. Most impulse coolers are open, which results in a large consumption of energy, and the refrigeration systems are often quite inefficient. A typical impulse cooler uses app. 5 - 8 kWh/day corresponding to a consumption of energy in the magnitude of 60 GWh/year. For several years, the Danish company Vestfrost A/S has produced an impulse sales cooler in the high-efficiency end and the energy consumption of the cooler is measured to be 4.15 kWh/day. The POS72 cooler formed the baseline of this project. At the start-up meeting in 2008, several ideas were discussed with the objective to reduce energy consumption and to use natural refrigerants. Among the ideas were better air curtains, removable lids, better condensers, use of R600a refrigeration system and better insulation. Three generations of prototypes were built and tested in a climate chamber at Danish Technological Institute and the third generation showed very good performance: the energy consumption was measured to 2.215 kWh/day, which is a 47% reduction compared to the baseline. That was achieved by: 1) Improving the cold air cycling system including the air curtain. 2) Using the natural refrigerant R600a (isobutane) and the Danfoss NLE9KTK compressor, which has better efficiency compared to the compressor in the baseline product. 3) Using a box type condenser without fins (preventing dust build-up) and with a relatively high surface area. 4) Improving the insulation value of the plastic cabinet by reducing turbulence in the air gap between the plastic walls and improving the insulation value of the EPS moulded insulation surrounding the refrigeration system at the bottom of the cooler. 5) Preventing short-circuit of warm air around the condenser. 6) The improvements are cost efficient and will not add much to the cost of the cooler. The development project has resulted in a unique impulse sales cooler using natural refrigerant and a refrigeration system, which consumes about half the amount of energy compared to the previous Vestfrost impulse cooler and less than half of the energy compared to other types of impulse sales coolers. (LN)}
place = {Denmark}
year = {2010}
month = {Nov}