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Measurement of the decay of the {Upsilon}(1S) and {Upsilon}(2S) resonances to muon pairs


Using the Crystal Ball detector at the e{sup -}e{sup +} storage ring DORIS II, we have measured the branching fraction to muon pairs B{sub {mu}{mu}} of the {Upsilon}(1s) and {gamma}(2S) resonances and for the first time the product of the muonic partial width {Gamma}{sub {mu}{mu}} and the branching fraction to electrons B{sub ee} for both resonances. We obtain B{sub {mu}{mu}}(1S) = (2.31 {+-} 0.12 {+-} 0.10)% {Gamma}{sub {mu}{mu}}(1S).B{sub ee}(1S) = (31.2 {+-} 1.6 {+-} 1.7) eV and B{sub {mu}{mu}}(2S) = (1.22 {+-} 0.28 {+-} 0.19)% {Gamma}{sub {mu}{mu}}(2S).B{sub ee}(2S) = (6.5 {+-} 1.5 {+-} 1.0) eV. Inserting the present world average value of B{sub ee}(1S) = (2.52 {+-} 0.17)%, we determine the muonic partial width of the {Upsilon}(1S) as {Gamma}{sub {mu}{mu}}(1S) = (1.24 {+-} 0.06 {+-} 0.11) keV. In addtiion, we present the first indication of the expected interference between {mu}-pair production in the continuum and in {Upsilon}(1S) decays. (orig.).
Kobel, M; Folger, G; Glaser, G; Lurz, B; Volland, U; Wegener, H; [1]  Antreasyan, D; Irion, J; McBride, P; Strauch, K; [2]  Bartels, H W; Bienlein, J K; Brockmueller, K; Karch, K; Kloiber, T; Koch, W; Meyer, H; Skwarnicki, T; Trost, H J; Voigt, A; Wachs, K; Zschorsch, P; [3]  Besset, D; Cabenda, R; Cowan, R; [4]  Bieler, C; Graaf, K; Heinsius, F H; Kiel, T; Krueger, S; Lekebusch, R; Nernst, R; Sievers, D; Stock, V; Strohbusch, U; [5]  Bizzeti, A; Cartacci, A; Compagnucci, A; Conforto, G; Landi, G; Monteleoni, B; Pelfer, P G; [6]  Bloom, E D; Clare, R; Cooper, S; Fairfield, K; Fridman, A; Gaiser, J; Gelphman, D; Godfrey, G; Hofstadter, R; Kirkbride, I; Lee, R; Leffler, S; Litke, A M; Lockman, W; Lowe, S; Niczyporuk, B; Pollock, B; Tompkins, J; Van Uitert, B; Wacker, K; [7]  Brock, I; Engler, A; Kraemer, R W; Marlow, D; Messing, F; Prindle, D; Renger, B; Rippich, C; Vogel, H; [8]  Cavalli-Sforza, M; [9]  Coyne, D; [4]  Heimlich, F H; [5]  Jakubowski, Z; [10]  Janssen, H; Koenig, A C; Metzger, W J; Schotanus, J; Walle, R.T. van de; Walk, W; [11]  Keh, S; Kilian, H; Koenigsmann, K; Scheer, M; [12]  Lesiak, T; Muryn, B; Nowak, G; [13]  .
  1. Erlangen-Nuernberg Univ., Erlangen (Germany)
  2. Harvard Univ., Cambridge, MA (United States)
  3. Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, Hamburg (Germany)
  4. Princeton Univ., NJ (United States)
  5. Hamburg Univ. (Germany)
  6. INFN, Florence (Italy)
  7. Stanford Univ., CA (United States)
  8. Carnegie-Mellon Univ., Pittsburgh, PA (United States)
  9. California Univ., Santa Cruz, CA (United States)
  10. Cracow Inst. of Nuclear Physics (Poland)
  11. Nijmegen Univ. (Netherlands)
  12. Wuerzburg Univ. (Germany)
  13. Cracow Inst. (Poland)
Publication Date:
Aug 01, 1991
Product Type:
Technical Report
Report Number:
DESY-91-089; SLAC-PUB-5402
Reference Number:
SCA: 662350; 662310; PA: DEN-92:000383; SN: 92000645262
Resource Relation:
Other Information: PBD: Aug 1991
Research Organizations:
Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), Hamburg (Germany)
Country of Origin:
Other Identifying Numbers:
Other: ON: DE92758964; CNN: Contract DE-AC03-81ER40050; DE-AC02-76ER03066; BMFT 054ER12P; BMFT 054HH11P(7); DE-AC02-76ER03064; DE-AC02-76ER03072; DE-AC03-76SF00326; DE-AC03-76SF00515; BMFT 054WU11P(1); Grant PHY-75-22980; PHY-85-12145; ; TRN: DE9200383
OSTI; NTIS (US Sales Only); INIS
Submitting Site:
32 p.
Announcement Date:
Jun 30, 2005

Citation Formats

Kobel, M, Folger, G, Glaser, G, Lurz, B, Volland, U, Wegener, H, Antreasyan, D, Irion, J, McBride, P, Strauch, K, Bartels, H W, Bienlein, J K, Brockmueller, K, Karch, K, Kloiber, T, Koch, W, Meyer, H, Skwarnicki, T, Trost, H J, Voigt, A, Wachs, K, Zschorsch, P, Besset, D, Cabenda, R, Cowan, R, Bieler, C, Graaf, K, Heinsius, F H, Kiel, T, Krueger, S, Lekebusch, R, Nernst, R, Sievers, D, Stock, V, Strohbusch, U, Bizzeti, A, Cartacci, A, Compagnucci, A, Conforto, G, Landi, G, Monteleoni, B, Pelfer, P G, Bloom, E D, Clare, R, Cooper, S, Fairfield, K, Fridman, A, Gaiser, J, Gelphman, D, Godfrey, G, Hofstadter, R, Kirkbride, I, Lee, R, Leffler, S, Litke, A M, Lockman, W, Lowe, S, Niczyporuk, B, Pollock, B, Tompkins, J, Van Uitert, B, Wacker, K, Brock, I, Engler, A, Kraemer, R W, Marlow, D, Messing, F, Prindle, D, Renger, B, Rippich, C, Vogel, H, Cavalli-Sforza, M, Coyne, D, Heimlich, F H, Jakubowski, Z, Janssen, H, Koenig, A C, Metzger, W J, Schotanus, J, Walle, R.T. van de, Walk, W, Keh, S, Kilian, H, Koenigsmann, K, Scheer, M, Lesiak, T, Muryn, B, Nowak, G, and . Measurement of the decay of the {Upsilon}(1S) and {Upsilon}(2S) resonances to muon pairs. Germany: N. p., 1991. Web.
Kobel, M, Folger, G, Glaser, G, Lurz, B, Volland, U, Wegener, H, Antreasyan, D, Irion, J, McBride, P, Strauch, K, Bartels, H W, Bienlein, J K, Brockmueller, K, Karch, K, Kloiber, T, Koch, W, Meyer, H, Skwarnicki, T, Trost, H J, Voigt, A, Wachs, K, Zschorsch, P, Besset, D, Cabenda, R, Cowan, R, Bieler, C, Graaf, K, Heinsius, F H, Kiel, T, Krueger, S, Lekebusch, R, Nernst, R, Sievers, D, Stock, V, Strohbusch, U, Bizzeti, A, Cartacci, A, Compagnucci, A, Conforto, G, Landi, G, Monteleoni, B, Pelfer, P G, Bloom, E D, Clare, R, Cooper, S, Fairfield, K, Fridman, A, Gaiser, J, Gelphman, D, Godfrey, G, Hofstadter, R, Kirkbride, I, Lee, R, Leffler, S, Litke, A M, Lockman, W, Lowe, S, Niczyporuk, B, Pollock, B, Tompkins, J, Van Uitert, B, Wacker, K, Brock, I, Engler, A, Kraemer, R W, Marlow, D, Messing, F, Prindle, D, Renger, B, Rippich, C, Vogel, H, Cavalli-Sforza, M, Coyne, D, Heimlich, F H, Jakubowski, Z, Janssen, H, Koenig, A C, Metzger, W J, Schotanus, J, Walle, R.T. van de, Walk, W, Keh, S, Kilian, H, Koenigsmann, K, Scheer, M, Lesiak, T, Muryn, B, Nowak, G, & . Measurement of the decay of the {Upsilon}(1S) and {Upsilon}(2S) resonances to muon pairs. Germany.
Kobel, M, Folger, G, Glaser, G, Lurz, B, Volland, U, Wegener, H, Antreasyan, D, Irion, J, McBride, P, Strauch, K, Bartels, H W, Bienlein, J K, Brockmueller, K, Karch, K, Kloiber, T, Koch, W, Meyer, H, Skwarnicki, T, Trost, H J, Voigt, A, Wachs, K, Zschorsch, P, Besset, D, Cabenda, R, Cowan, R, Bieler, C, Graaf, K, Heinsius, F H, Kiel, T, Krueger, S, Lekebusch, R, Nernst, R, Sievers, D, Stock, V, Strohbusch, U, Bizzeti, A, Cartacci, A, Compagnucci, A, Conforto, G, Landi, G, Monteleoni, B, Pelfer, P G, Bloom, E D, Clare, R, Cooper, S, Fairfield, K, Fridman, A, Gaiser, J, Gelphman, D, Godfrey, G, Hofstadter, R, Kirkbride, I, Lee, R, Leffler, S, Litke, A M, Lockman, W, Lowe, S, Niczyporuk, B, Pollock, B, Tompkins, J, Van Uitert, B, Wacker, K, Brock, I, Engler, A, Kraemer, R W, Marlow, D, Messing, F, Prindle, D, Renger, B, Rippich, C, Vogel, H, Cavalli-Sforza, M, Coyne, D, Heimlich, F H, Jakubowski, Z, Janssen, H, Koenig, A C, Metzger, W J, Schotanus, J, Walle, R.T. van de, Walk, W, Keh, S, Kilian, H, Koenigsmann, K, Scheer, M, Lesiak, T, Muryn, B, Nowak, G, and . 1991. "Measurement of the decay of the {Upsilon}(1S) and {Upsilon}(2S) resonances to muon pairs." Germany.
title = {Measurement of the decay of the {Upsilon}(1S) and {Upsilon}(2S) resonances to muon pairs}
author = {Kobel, M, Folger, G, Glaser, G, Lurz, B, Volland, U, Wegener, H, Antreasyan, D, Irion, J, McBride, P, Strauch, K, Bartels, H W, Bienlein, J K, Brockmueller, K, Karch, K, Kloiber, T, Koch, W, Meyer, H, Skwarnicki, T, Trost, H J, Voigt, A, Wachs, K, Zschorsch, P, Besset, D, Cabenda, R, Cowan, R, Bieler, C, Graaf, K, Heinsius, F H, Kiel, T, Krueger, S, Lekebusch, R, Nernst, R, Sievers, D, Stock, V, Strohbusch, U, Bizzeti, A, Cartacci, A, Compagnucci, A, Conforto, G, Landi, G, Monteleoni, B, Pelfer, P G, Bloom, E D, Clare, R, Cooper, S, Fairfield, K, Fridman, A, Gaiser, J, Gelphman, D, Godfrey, G, Hofstadter, R, Kirkbride, I, Lee, R, Leffler, S, Litke, A M, Lockman, W, Lowe, S, Niczyporuk, B, Pollock, B, Tompkins, J, Van Uitert, B, Wacker, K, Brock, I, Engler, A, Kraemer, R W, Marlow, D, Messing, F, Prindle, D, Renger, B, Rippich, C, Vogel, H, Cavalli-Sforza, M, Coyne, D, Heimlich, F H, Jakubowski, Z, Janssen, H, Koenig, A C, Metzger, W J, Schotanus, J, Walle, R.T. van de, Walk, W, Keh, S, Kilian, H, Koenigsmann, K, Scheer, M, Lesiak, T, Muryn, B, Nowak, G, and .}
abstractNote = {Using the Crystal Ball detector at the e{sup -}e{sup +} storage ring DORIS II, we have measured the branching fraction to muon pairs B{sub {mu}{mu}} of the {Upsilon}(1s) and {gamma}(2S) resonances and for the first time the product of the muonic partial width {Gamma}{sub {mu}{mu}} and the branching fraction to electrons B{sub ee} for both resonances. We obtain B{sub {mu}{mu}}(1S) = (2.31 {+-} 0.12 {+-} 0.10)% {Gamma}{sub {mu}{mu}}(1S).B{sub ee}(1S) = (31.2 {+-} 1.6 {+-} 1.7) eV and B{sub {mu}{mu}}(2S) = (1.22 {+-} 0.28 {+-} 0.19)% {Gamma}{sub {mu}{mu}}(2S).B{sub ee}(2S) = (6.5 {+-} 1.5 {+-} 1.0) eV. Inserting the present world average value of B{sub ee}(1S) = (2.52 {+-} 0.17)%, we determine the muonic partial width of the {Upsilon}(1S) as {Gamma}{sub {mu}{mu}}(1S) = (1.24 {+-} 0.06 {+-} 0.11) keV. In addtiion, we present the first indication of the expected interference between {mu}-pair production in the continuum and in {Upsilon}(1S) decays. (orig.).}
place = {Germany}
year = {1991}
month = {Aug}