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Release of dinitrous oxide from intertidal sediments - illustrated by the example of the Elbe estuary (Muehlenberger Loch) and coastal tidal region (Koenigshafen/Sylt); Freisetzung von Distickstoffoxid aus Wattsedimenten - untersucht am Beispiel der Tide-Elbe (Muehlenberger Loch) und eines kuestennahen Wattgebietes (Koenigshafen/Sylt)


The exchange of nitrous oxide (N{sub 2}O) between intertidal sediments and the atmosphere has been measured in situ with a closed chamber technique. 1991/92 in various seasons the N{sub 2}O net fluxes at the sampling site in the Elbe estuary (Muehlenberger Loch near Hamburg) directed from sediment to atmosphere ranged from 0.05 to 0.40 {mu}mol.m{sup -2}.h{sup -1} during the day and to 0.64 {mu}mol.m{sup -2}.h{sup -1} at night - with one exception in winter, when it was zero. During low tide the high initial N{sub 2}O concentration in porewater decreased but no less than 10 to >100 fold supersaturation as nitrate and oxygen profiles were changing. The sandy and nutrient-poor marine sediments of the Koenigshafen on the island of Sylt (North Sea) contained very small amounts of N{sub 2}O and seemed in summer to be a sinkl rather than a source for atmospheric N{sub 2}O. Incubation of a sediment suspension and of intact cores in the laboratory under defined conditions also showed strong influence of photosynthetic activity and the nitrogen and carbon content of the sediment on microbial nitrification/denitrification rates and thus on N{sub 2}O release. (orig.) [Deutsch] Der Austausch von Distickstoffoxid (N{sub 2}O) zwischen Wattsedimenten und der Atmosphaere wurde  More>>
Publication Date:
Dec 31, 1994
Product Type:
Report Number:
Reference Number:
SCA: 540120; PA: DE-95:0G1054; EDB-95:031152; SN: 95001321841
Resource Relation:
Other Information: TH: Diss.; PBD: 1994
Research Organizations:
GKSS-Forschungszentrum Geesthacht GmbH (Germany). Inst. fuer Chemie; Kiel Univ. (Germany). Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultaet
Country of Origin:
Other Identifying Numbers:
Journal ID: ISSN 0344-9629; Other: ON: DE95738720; TRN: DE95G1054
OSTI; NTIS (US Sales Only)
Submitting Site:
189 p.
Announcement Date:
Jun 30, 2005

Citation Formats

Mathieu, B. Release of dinitrous oxide from intertidal sediments - illustrated by the example of the Elbe estuary (Muehlenberger Loch) and coastal tidal region (Koenigshafen/Sylt); Freisetzung von Distickstoffoxid aus Wattsedimenten - untersucht am Beispiel der Tide-Elbe (Muehlenberger Loch) und eines kuestennahen Wattgebietes (Koenigshafen/Sylt). Germany: N. p., 1994. Web.
Mathieu, B. Release of dinitrous oxide from intertidal sediments - illustrated by the example of the Elbe estuary (Muehlenberger Loch) and coastal tidal region (Koenigshafen/Sylt); Freisetzung von Distickstoffoxid aus Wattsedimenten - untersucht am Beispiel der Tide-Elbe (Muehlenberger Loch) und eines kuestennahen Wattgebietes (Koenigshafen/Sylt). Germany.
Mathieu, B. 1994. "Release of dinitrous oxide from intertidal sediments - illustrated by the example of the Elbe estuary (Muehlenberger Loch) and coastal tidal region (Koenigshafen/Sylt); Freisetzung von Distickstoffoxid aus Wattsedimenten - untersucht am Beispiel der Tide-Elbe (Muehlenberger Loch) und eines kuestennahen Wattgebietes (Koenigshafen/Sylt)." Germany.
title = {Release of dinitrous oxide from intertidal sediments - illustrated by the example of the Elbe estuary (Muehlenberger Loch) and coastal tidal region (Koenigshafen/Sylt); Freisetzung von Distickstoffoxid aus Wattsedimenten - untersucht am Beispiel der Tide-Elbe (Muehlenberger Loch) und eines kuestennahen Wattgebietes (Koenigshafen/Sylt)}
author = {Mathieu, B}
abstractNote = {The exchange of nitrous oxide (N{sub 2}O) between intertidal sediments and the atmosphere has been measured in situ with a closed chamber technique. 1991/92 in various seasons the N{sub 2}O net fluxes at the sampling site in the Elbe estuary (Muehlenberger Loch near Hamburg) directed from sediment to atmosphere ranged from 0.05 to 0.40 {mu}mol.m{sup -2}.h{sup -1} during the day and to 0.64 {mu}mol.m{sup -2}.h{sup -1} at night - with one exception in winter, when it was zero. During low tide the high initial N{sub 2}O concentration in porewater decreased but no less than 10 to >100 fold supersaturation as nitrate and oxygen profiles were changing. The sandy and nutrient-poor marine sediments of the Koenigshafen on the island of Sylt (North Sea) contained very small amounts of N{sub 2}O and seemed in summer to be a sinkl rather than a source for atmospheric N{sub 2}O. Incubation of a sediment suspension and of intact cores in the laboratory under defined conditions also showed strong influence of photosynthetic activity and the nitrogen and carbon content of the sediment on microbial nitrification/denitrification rates and thus on N{sub 2}O release. (orig.) [Deutsch] Der Austausch von Distickstoffoxid (N{sub 2}O) zwischen Wattsedimenten und der Atmosphaere wurde mit Hilfe einer geschlossenen Emissionskammer in situ gemessen. 1991/92 wurden zu verschiedenen Jahreszeiten im Untersuchungsgebiet im Elbe-Aestuar (Muehlenberger Loch bei Hamburg) aus dem Sediment in die Atmosphaere gerichtete N{sub 2}O-Nettofluesse gefunden zwischen 0,05 und 0,40 {mu}mel.m{sup -2}.h{sup -1} tagsueber und bis zu 0,64 {mu}mol.m{sup -2}.h{sup -1} nachts. Bei der einzigen Wintermessung war kein signifikanter Fluss messbar. Waehrend der Niedrigwasserperiode nahmen mit der Aenderung der Nitrat- und Sauerstoffprofile die anfangs hohen N{sub 2}O-Konzentrationen im Porenwasser ab, lagen aber meist bei 20- bis >100-facher Uebersaettigung. Die sandigeren und naehrstoffarmen marinen Sedimente des Koenigshafens auf der Nordseeinsel Sylt enthielten dagegen sehr geringe N{sub 2}O-Mengen und sind im Sommer offenbar eher Senke als Quelle fuer atmosphaerisches N{sub 2}O. In Laborexperimenten mit einer Sediment-Suspension und mit intakten Kernen unter definierten Bedingungen zeigte sich ebenfalls der starke Einfluss von photosynthetischer Aktivitaet, N- und C{sub org}-Gehalt des Sediments auf mikrobielle Nitrifikations-/Denitrifikationsraten und damit auf die N{sub 2}O-Freisetzung. (orig.)}
place = {Germany}
year = {1994}
month = {Dec}