The construction of the HERA accelerator and its detectors H1 and ZEUS opens up new physic regimes to explore at high-Q{sup 2} and low-x. The physics interest and methods of exploration are described, starting from the environment provided by the accelerator and the reaction kinematics. (orig.).
Saxon, D H
- Glasgow Univ. (United Kingdom). Dept. of Physics and Astronomy
Citation Formats
Saxon, D H.
The HERA physics programme.
Germany: N. p.,
Saxon, D H.
The HERA physics programme.
Saxon, D H.
"The HERA physics programme."
title = {The HERA physics programme}
author = {Saxon, D H}
abstractNote = {The construction of the HERA accelerator and its detectors H1 and ZEUS opens up new physic regimes to explore at high-Q{sup 2} and low-x. The physics interest and methods of exploration are described, starting from the environment provided by the accelerator and the reaction kinematics. (orig.).}
place = {Germany}
year = {1991}
month = {Sep}
title = {The HERA physics programme}
author = {Saxon, D H}
abstractNote = {The construction of the HERA accelerator and its detectors H1 and ZEUS opens up new physic regimes to explore at high-Q{sup 2} and low-x. The physics interest and methods of exploration are described, starting from the environment provided by the accelerator and the reaction kinematics. (orig.).}
place = {Germany}
year = {1991}
month = {Sep}