The folding of the Dynkin diagram of A{sub 2n} (resp., A{sub 2n-1}) produces the B{sub n} (resp., C{sub n}) Dynkin diagram, similarly the symmetry algebra W of a Toda model based on B{sub n} (resp., C{sub n}) can be seen as resulting from the folding of a W-algebra based on A{sub 2n} (resp., A{sub 2n-1}). More generally, W algebras related to the B-C-D algebra series can appear from W algebras related to the unitary ones. Such an approach is particularly well adapted to obtain fusion rules of W algebras based on non simply laced algebras from fusion rules corresponding to the A{sub n} case. Analogously, super-W algebras associated to orthosymplectic superalgebras are deduced from those relative to the unitary A(m,n) series. (author) 16 refs.; 1 tab.
Citation Formats
Frappat, L, Ragoucy, E, and Sorba, P.
Folding the W-algebras.
France: N. p.,
Frappat, L, Ragoucy, E, & Sorba, P.
Folding the W-algebras.
Frappat, L, Ragoucy, E, and Sorba, P.
"Folding the W-algebras."
title = {Folding the W-algebras}
author = {Frappat, L, Ragoucy, E, and Sorba, P}
abstractNote = {The folding of the Dynkin diagram of A{sub 2n} (resp., A{sub 2n-1}) produces the B{sub n} (resp., C{sub n}) Dynkin diagram, similarly the symmetry algebra W of a Toda model based on B{sub n} (resp., C{sub n}) can be seen as resulting from the folding of a W-algebra based on A{sub 2n} (resp., A{sub 2n-1}). More generally, W algebras related to the B-C-D algebra series can appear from W algebras related to the unitary ones. Such an approach is particularly well adapted to obtain fusion rules of W algebras based on non simply laced algebras from fusion rules corresponding to the A{sub n} case. Analogously, super-W algebras associated to orthosymplectic superalgebras are deduced from those relative to the unitary A(m,n) series. (author) 16 refs.; 1 tab.}
place = {France}
year = {1992}
month = {Nov}
title = {Folding the W-algebras}
author = {Frappat, L, Ragoucy, E, and Sorba, P}
abstractNote = {The folding of the Dynkin diagram of A{sub 2n} (resp., A{sub 2n-1}) produces the B{sub n} (resp., C{sub n}) Dynkin diagram, similarly the symmetry algebra W of a Toda model based on B{sub n} (resp., C{sub n}) can be seen as resulting from the folding of a W-algebra based on A{sub 2n} (resp., A{sub 2n-1}). More generally, W algebras related to the B-C-D algebra series can appear from W algebras related to the unitary ones. Such an approach is particularly well adapted to obtain fusion rules of W algebras based on non simply laced algebras from fusion rules corresponding to the A{sub n} case. Analogously, super-W algebras associated to orthosymplectic superalgebras are deduced from those relative to the unitary A(m,n) series. (author) 16 refs.; 1 tab.}
place = {France}
year = {1992}
month = {Nov}