The new accelerator COSY-Juelich will provide protons with momenta up to 3.3 GeV/c. Thus an effective mass slightly above 1 GeV/c{sup 2} can be produced in the pp-interaction. Employing higher mass targets also heavier mesons can be observed. The production of single mesons and of mesonic states with and without strangeness can be investgated at COSY. The structure of some mesons in the mass range of 950 McV/c{sup 2} to 1020 MeV/c{sup 2} is still not well understood. While the {Phi}(1020) at the upper limit of this range is believed to be of rahter pure santi s nature the content of the {eta}`(958) meson at the lower limit of this range is still under discussion. New results suggest that what is called the f{sub o} meson (former notation S*) consists in reality of two close and narrow states; one of them being a santi s - quarks configuration while the other should be a flavour singlet which couples to {pi}{pi} and Kanti K with similar strengths. Also the discussion on possible gluonium candidates is still alive. It is speculated that some of these mesons - till now supposed to have widths of 30 to 50 MeV/c{sup 2} - could rather
Citation Formats
Oelert, W, and Sefzick, T.
Workshop on mesons and mesonic states up to slightly above 1 GeV/c{sup 2}.
Germany: N. p.,
Oelert, W, & Sefzick, T.
Workshop on mesons and mesonic states up to slightly above 1 GeV/c{sup 2}.
Oelert, W, and Sefzick, T.
"Workshop on mesons and mesonic states up to slightly above 1 GeV/c{sup 2}."
title = {Workshop on mesons and mesonic states up to slightly above 1 GeV/c{sup 2}}
author = {Oelert, W, and Sefzick, T}
abstractNote = {The new accelerator COSY-Juelich will provide protons with momenta up to 3.3 GeV/c. Thus an effective mass slightly above 1 GeV/c{sup 2} can be produced in the pp-interaction. Employing higher mass targets also heavier mesons can be observed. The production of single mesons and of mesonic states with and without strangeness can be investgated at COSY. The structure of some mesons in the mass range of 950 McV/c{sup 2} to 1020 MeV/c{sup 2} is still not well understood. While the {Phi}(1020) at the upper limit of this range is believed to be of rahter pure santi s nature the content of the {eta}`(958) meson at the lower limit of this range is still under discussion. New results suggest that what is called the f{sub o} meson (former notation S*) consists in reality of two close and narrow states; one of them being a santi s - quarks configuration while the other should be a flavour singlet which couples to {pi}{pi} and Kanti K with similar strengths. Also the discussion on possible gluonium candidates is still alive. It is speculated that some of these mesons - till now supposed to have widths of 30 to 50 MeV/c{sup 2} - could rather be an overlay of structures with much smaller widths. Another features of resonances in this region is their partial decay into the Kanti K channel if their actual mass is large enough. Strong decays in Kanti K could be a signal of a Kanti K `molecular` nature of the resonance. In particular the atomic K{sup +}K{sup -} structure should exist. In order to have review of the physics related to these problems there was a workshop held on: MESONS and MESONIC STATES up to slightly above 1 GeV/c{sup 2} at the ZEL - Forschungszentrum - Juelich February 19 to 20, 1990. The following contains copies of the shown transparencies and short write-ups as far as available. (orig.).}
place = {Germany}
year = {1991}
month = {Apr}
title = {Workshop on mesons and mesonic states up to slightly above 1 GeV/c{sup 2}}
author = {Oelert, W, and Sefzick, T}
abstractNote = {The new accelerator COSY-Juelich will provide protons with momenta up to 3.3 GeV/c. Thus an effective mass slightly above 1 GeV/c{sup 2} can be produced in the pp-interaction. Employing higher mass targets also heavier mesons can be observed. The production of single mesons and of mesonic states with and without strangeness can be investgated at COSY. The structure of some mesons in the mass range of 950 McV/c{sup 2} to 1020 MeV/c{sup 2} is still not well understood. While the {Phi}(1020) at the upper limit of this range is believed to be of rahter pure santi s nature the content of the {eta}`(958) meson at the lower limit of this range is still under discussion. New results suggest that what is called the f{sub o} meson (former notation S*) consists in reality of two close and narrow states; one of them being a santi s - quarks configuration while the other should be a flavour singlet which couples to {pi}{pi} and Kanti K with similar strengths. Also the discussion on possible gluonium candidates is still alive. It is speculated that some of these mesons - till now supposed to have widths of 30 to 50 MeV/c{sup 2} - could rather be an overlay of structures with much smaller widths. Another features of resonances in this region is their partial decay into the Kanti K channel if their actual mass is large enough. Strong decays in Kanti K could be a signal of a Kanti K `molecular` nature of the resonance. In particular the atomic K{sup +}K{sup -} structure should exist. In order to have review of the physics related to these problems there was a workshop held on: MESONS and MESONIC STATES up to slightly above 1 GeV/c{sup 2} at the ZEL - Forschungszentrum - Juelich February 19 to 20, 1990. The following contains copies of the shown transparencies and short write-ups as far as available. (orig.).}
place = {Germany}
year = {1991}
month = {Apr}