Closed analytic expressions are presented for a specific class of integrals arising in pion (or kaon) scattering from nuclei. These provide a computationally convenient description of such scattering whenever modified plane wave approximations for the continuum wave functions are valid. Similar results are derived for two other classes of related integrals. Finite series representations for various special functions are also presented. 7 refs.
Citation Formats
Di Marzio, F.
The evaluation of specific types of integrals involving confluent hypergeometric functions.
Australia: N. p.,
Di Marzio, F.
The evaluation of specific types of integrals involving confluent hypergeometric functions.
Di Marzio, F.
"The evaluation of specific types of integrals involving confluent hypergeometric functions."
title = {The evaluation of specific types of integrals involving confluent hypergeometric functions}
author = {Di Marzio, F}
abstractNote = {Closed analytic expressions are presented for a specific class of integrals arising in pion (or kaon) scattering from nuclei. These provide a computationally convenient description of such scattering whenever modified plane wave approximations for the continuum wave functions are valid. Similar results are derived for two other classes of related integrals. Finite series representations for various special functions are also presented. 7 refs.}
place = {Australia}
year = {1994}
month = {Dec}
title = {The evaluation of specific types of integrals involving confluent hypergeometric functions}
author = {Di Marzio, F}
abstractNote = {Closed analytic expressions are presented for a specific class of integrals arising in pion (or kaon) scattering from nuclei. These provide a computationally convenient description of such scattering whenever modified plane wave approximations for the continuum wave functions are valid. Similar results are derived for two other classes of related integrals. Finite series representations for various special functions are also presented. 7 refs.}
place = {Australia}
year = {1994}
month = {Dec}