The IBR-2 pulsed reactor power feedback parameters are estimated by means pf the frequency analysis of recorded power oscillatins caused by reactivity jump oscillations. 1 ref.; 4 figs.
Citation Formats
Popov, A K.
Frequency method estimate of the pulse transient characteristic of power feedback in the IBR-2 reactor; Otsenka impul`snoj perekhodnoj kharakteristiki moshchnostnoj obratnoj svyazi reaktora IBR-2 chastotnym metodom.
JINR: N. p.,
Popov, A K.
Frequency method estimate of the pulse transient characteristic of power feedback in the IBR-2 reactor; Otsenka impul`snoj perekhodnoj kharakteristiki moshchnostnoj obratnoj svyazi reaktora IBR-2 chastotnym metodom.
Popov, A K.
"Frequency method estimate of the pulse transient characteristic of power feedback in the IBR-2 reactor; Otsenka impul`snoj perekhodnoj kharakteristiki moshchnostnoj obratnoj svyazi reaktora IBR-2 chastotnym metodom."
title = {Frequency method estimate of the pulse transient characteristic of power feedback in the IBR-2 reactor; Otsenka impul`snoj perekhodnoj kharakteristiki moshchnostnoj obratnoj svyazi reaktora IBR-2 chastotnym metodom}
author = {Popov, A K}
abstractNote = {The IBR-2 pulsed reactor power feedback parameters are estimated by means pf the frequency analysis of recorded power oscillatins caused by reactivity jump oscillations. 1 ref.; 4 figs.}
place = {JINR}
year = {1992}
month = {Dec}
title = {Frequency method estimate of the pulse transient characteristic of power feedback in the IBR-2 reactor; Otsenka impul`snoj perekhodnoj kharakteristiki moshchnostnoj obratnoj svyazi reaktora IBR-2 chastotnym metodom}
author = {Popov, A K}
abstractNote = {The IBR-2 pulsed reactor power feedback parameters are estimated by means pf the frequency analysis of recorded power oscillatins caused by reactivity jump oscillations. 1 ref.; 4 figs.}
place = {JINR}
year = {1992}
month = {Dec}