It is shown that in the electromagnetic field of vacuum the electron possesses the wave motion, frequency of which is equal to the Doppler frequency. On this basis the Lorentz transformations for coordinates and time of the special relativity theory are obtained. 7 refs.
Citation Formats
Klenin, B A.
Doppler effect for electron and Lorentz transfomations in special relativity theory; Ehffekt Dopplera dlya ehlektrona i preobrazovaniya Lorentsa v spetsial`noj teorii otnositel`nosti.
JINR: N. p.,
Klenin, B A.
Doppler effect for electron and Lorentz transfomations in special relativity theory; Ehffekt Dopplera dlya ehlektrona i preobrazovaniya Lorentsa v spetsial`noj teorii otnositel`nosti.
Klenin, B A.
"Doppler effect for electron and Lorentz transfomations in special relativity theory; Ehffekt Dopplera dlya ehlektrona i preobrazovaniya Lorentsa v spetsial`noj teorii otnositel`nosti."
title = {Doppler effect for electron and Lorentz transfomations in special relativity theory; Ehffekt Dopplera dlya ehlektrona i preobrazovaniya Lorentsa v spetsial`noj teorii otnositel`nosti}
author = {Klenin, B A}
abstractNote = {It is shown that in the electromagnetic field of vacuum the electron possesses the wave motion, frequency of which is equal to the Doppler frequency. On this basis the Lorentz transformations for coordinates and time of the special relativity theory are obtained. 7 refs.}
place = {JINR}
year = {1992}
month = {Dec}
title = {Doppler effect for electron and Lorentz transfomations in special relativity theory; Ehffekt Dopplera dlya ehlektrona i preobrazovaniya Lorentsa v spetsial`noj teorii otnositel`nosti}
author = {Klenin, B A}
abstractNote = {It is shown that in the electromagnetic field of vacuum the electron possesses the wave motion, frequency of which is equal to the Doppler frequency. On this basis the Lorentz transformations for coordinates and time of the special relativity theory are obtained. 7 refs.}
place = {JINR}
year = {1992}
month = {Dec}