The purpose of the present program is to investigate the adequacy of the existing RBMK shutdown system, with particular attention to the Smolensk-3 reactor. The program will also establish the ``tools`` necessary for a thorough investigation of the RBMK reactors. The elements included under the heading of ``tools`` include the necessary programs for steady state and transient investigations of neutronic and thermal hydraulic phenomena, methods to calculate RBMK cross-sections, a data base comprising the sufficient and necessary information on the relevant reactors and operational practices, and a detailed description of some critical experiments in order to verify the ``tools`` to be used in the present investigation. This report describes the first part of the study, which is outlined in detail in the Executive Summary. This includes in particular the installation of the various operational tools, verification of these tools with the Chernobyl-3 critical experiment at cold zero power, collection of the data, and preliminary analyses of the Smolensk-3 void effect in the fuel- and control rod channel at hot zero power and cold zero power conditions. The RBMK reactors are very heterogeneous and therefore a good model for this core requires a full core 3-D representation. A 3-D neutronic calculation
Citation Formats
Saphier, D, Hennig, D, and Knoglinger, E.
Evaluation of the SMOLENSK-3 NPP shutdown system. Phase I: code implementation and testing. First progress report.
Switzerland: N. p.,
Saphier, D, Hennig, D, & Knoglinger, E.
Evaluation of the SMOLENSK-3 NPP shutdown system. Phase I: code implementation and testing. First progress report.
Saphier, D, Hennig, D, and Knoglinger, E.
"Evaluation of the SMOLENSK-3 NPP shutdown system. Phase I: code implementation and testing. First progress report."
title = {Evaluation of the SMOLENSK-3 NPP shutdown system. Phase I: code implementation and testing. First progress report}
author = {Saphier, D, Hennig, D, and Knoglinger, E}
abstractNote = {The purpose of the present program is to investigate the adequacy of the existing RBMK shutdown system, with particular attention to the Smolensk-3 reactor. The program will also establish the ``tools`` necessary for a thorough investigation of the RBMK reactors. The elements included under the heading of ``tools`` include the necessary programs for steady state and transient investigations of neutronic and thermal hydraulic phenomena, methods to calculate RBMK cross-sections, a data base comprising the sufficient and necessary information on the relevant reactors and operational practices, and a detailed description of some critical experiments in order to verify the ``tools`` to be used in the present investigation. This report describes the first part of the study, which is outlined in detail in the Executive Summary. This includes in particular the installation of the various operational tools, verification of these tools with the Chernobyl-3 critical experiment at cold zero power, collection of the data, and preliminary analyses of the Smolensk-3 void effect in the fuel- and control rod channel at hot zero power and cold zero power conditions. The RBMK reactors are very heterogeneous and therefore a good model for this core requires a full core 3-D representation. A 3-D neutronic calculation of this large reactor is quite time consuming and consequently a 12x12 assemblies subsection (one 1/12 of the core) was also used for fast scoping studies. This 12x12 model does not provide correct absolute values but will indicate the trend of various phenomena. From the calculations performed in the present phase of the project it is obvious that the reactivity increase due to voiding the core in the improved versions of RBMK (e.g. that of Smolensk-3) is much smaller than for the older designs. (author) figs., tabs., 10 refs.}
place = {Switzerland}
year = {1994}
month = {Oct}
title = {Evaluation of the SMOLENSK-3 NPP shutdown system. Phase I: code implementation and testing. First progress report}
author = {Saphier, D, Hennig, D, and Knoglinger, E}
abstractNote = {The purpose of the present program is to investigate the adequacy of the existing RBMK shutdown system, with particular attention to the Smolensk-3 reactor. The program will also establish the ``tools`` necessary for a thorough investigation of the RBMK reactors. The elements included under the heading of ``tools`` include the necessary programs for steady state and transient investigations of neutronic and thermal hydraulic phenomena, methods to calculate RBMK cross-sections, a data base comprising the sufficient and necessary information on the relevant reactors and operational practices, and a detailed description of some critical experiments in order to verify the ``tools`` to be used in the present investigation. This report describes the first part of the study, which is outlined in detail in the Executive Summary. This includes in particular the installation of the various operational tools, verification of these tools with the Chernobyl-3 critical experiment at cold zero power, collection of the data, and preliminary analyses of the Smolensk-3 void effect in the fuel- and control rod channel at hot zero power and cold zero power conditions. The RBMK reactors are very heterogeneous and therefore a good model for this core requires a full core 3-D representation. A 3-D neutronic calculation of this large reactor is quite time consuming and consequently a 12x12 assemblies subsection (one 1/12 of the core) was also used for fast scoping studies. This 12x12 model does not provide correct absolute values but will indicate the trend of various phenomena. From the calculations performed in the present phase of the project it is obvious that the reactivity increase due to voiding the core in the improved versions of RBMK (e.g. that of Smolensk-3) is much smaller than for the older designs. (author) figs., tabs., 10 refs.}
place = {Switzerland}
year = {1994}
month = {Oct}