The main design and operating parameters of the LVR-15 research reactor are given and the reactor components are described, including the coolant circuits, coolant makeup and purification system, control and protection system, the UR 70 control rod, the electricity supply system, reactor ventilation system, IRT-2M type fuel, unirradiated fuel storage, irradiated fuel and radioactive waste handling, experimental equipment, and backup systems. Dosimetric protection of the reactor rooms is also dealt with. The reactor is accommodated in a pressureless vessel under a shielding lid, with forced cooling. IRT-2M fuel with 80% {sup 235}U enrichment is used. The reactor is employed for loop and probe experiments, particularly for materials and physico-metallurgical research, experiments on horizontal channels, irradiating services, neutron activation analyses and neutron radiography, nuclear reactor operator training, and practical teaching exercises. (J.B.). 3 tabs., 11 figs., 6 refs.
Matejka, K;
Fleischhans, J;
Hejzlar, R
- ed.
- Ceske Vysoke Uceni Technicke, Prague (Czech Republic). Fakulta Jaderna a Fysikalne Inzenyrska; and others
Citation Formats
Matejka, K, Fleischhans, J, and Hejzlar, R.
Vol. 4: Technical descriptions of Czechoslovak research reactors. Part 1. Technical description of the LVR-15 reactor; Sesit c. 4: Technicke popisy cs. vyzkumnych reaktoru: 1. dil - Technicky popis reaktoru LVR-15.
Czech Republic: N. p.,
Matejka, K, Fleischhans, J, & Hejzlar, R.
Vol. 4: Technical descriptions of Czechoslovak research reactors. Part 1. Technical description of the LVR-15 reactor; Sesit c. 4: Technicke popisy cs. vyzkumnych reaktoru: 1. dil - Technicky popis reaktoru LVR-15.
Czech Republic.
Matejka, K, Fleischhans, J, and Hejzlar, R.
"Vol. 4: Technical descriptions of Czechoslovak research reactors. Part 1. Technical description of the LVR-15 reactor; Sesit c. 4: Technicke popisy cs. vyzkumnych reaktoru: 1. dil - Technicky popis reaktoru LVR-15."
Czech Republic.
title = {Vol. 4: Technical descriptions of Czechoslovak research reactors. Part 1. Technical description of the LVR-15 reactor; Sesit c. 4: Technicke popisy cs. vyzkumnych reaktoru: 1. dil - Technicky popis reaktoru LVR-15}
author = {Matejka, K, Fleischhans, J, and Hejzlar, R}
abstractNote = {The main design and operating parameters of the LVR-15 research reactor are given and the reactor components are described, including the coolant circuits, coolant makeup and purification system, control and protection system, the UR 70 control rod, the electricity supply system, reactor ventilation system, IRT-2M type fuel, unirradiated fuel storage, irradiated fuel and radioactive waste handling, experimental equipment, and backup systems. Dosimetric protection of the reactor rooms is also dealt with. The reactor is accommodated in a pressureless vessel under a shielding lid, with forced cooling. IRT-2M fuel with 80% {sup 235}U enrichment is used. The reactor is employed for loop and probe experiments, particularly for materials and physico-metallurgical research, experiments on horizontal channels, irradiating services, neutron activation analyses and neutron radiography, nuclear reactor operator training, and practical teaching exercises. (J.B.). 3 tabs., 11 figs., 6 refs.}
place = {Czech Republic}
year = {1994}
month = {Jun}
title = {Vol. 4: Technical descriptions of Czechoslovak research reactors. Part 1. Technical description of the LVR-15 reactor; Sesit c. 4: Technicke popisy cs. vyzkumnych reaktoru: 1. dil - Technicky popis reaktoru LVR-15}
author = {Matejka, K, Fleischhans, J, and Hejzlar, R}
abstractNote = {The main design and operating parameters of the LVR-15 research reactor are given and the reactor components are described, including the coolant circuits, coolant makeup and purification system, control and protection system, the UR 70 control rod, the electricity supply system, reactor ventilation system, IRT-2M type fuel, unirradiated fuel storage, irradiated fuel and radioactive waste handling, experimental equipment, and backup systems. Dosimetric protection of the reactor rooms is also dealt with. The reactor is accommodated in a pressureless vessel under a shielding lid, with forced cooling. IRT-2M fuel with 80% {sup 235}U enrichment is used. The reactor is employed for loop and probe experiments, particularly for materials and physico-metallurgical research, experiments on horizontal channels, irradiating services, neutron activation analyses and neutron radiography, nuclear reactor operator training, and practical teaching exercises. (J.B.). 3 tabs., 11 figs., 6 refs.}
place = {Czech Republic}
year = {1994}
month = {Jun}