The effects of intruder states arising from general positive deformations on the excitation energies, the two-neutron transfer spectroscopic amplitudes for the reaction {sup 18}O(t,p){sup 20}O, and some electric quadrupole transition amplitudes between some low-lying positive parity states in {sup 20}O are presented. The Hamiltonian matrix elements that reproduce experimental data best are also presented along with a general comparison of the results with experiment and with pure (sd){sup 4} shell model results. (author). 19 refs, 2 figs, 5 tabs.
Citation Formats
Amusa, A.
6p-2h core excitations in {sup 20}O.
IAEA: N. p.,
Amusa, A.
6p-2h core excitations in {sup 20}O.
Amusa, A.
"6p-2h core excitations in {sup 20}O."
title = {6p-2h core excitations in {sup 20}O}
author = {Amusa, A}
abstractNote = {The effects of intruder states arising from general positive deformations on the excitation energies, the two-neutron transfer spectroscopic amplitudes for the reaction {sup 18}O(t,p){sup 20}O, and some electric quadrupole transition amplitudes between some low-lying positive parity states in {sup 20}O are presented. The Hamiltonian matrix elements that reproduce experimental data best are also presented along with a general comparison of the results with experiment and with pure (sd){sup 4} shell model results. (author). 19 refs, 2 figs, 5 tabs.}
place = {IAEA}
year = {1991}
month = {Feb}
title = {6p-2h core excitations in {sup 20}O}
author = {Amusa, A}
abstractNote = {The effects of intruder states arising from general positive deformations on the excitation energies, the two-neutron transfer spectroscopic amplitudes for the reaction {sup 18}O(t,p){sup 20}O, and some electric quadrupole transition amplitudes between some low-lying positive parity states in {sup 20}O are presented. The Hamiltonian matrix elements that reproduce experimental data best are also presented along with a general comparison of the results with experiment and with pure (sd){sup 4} shell model results. (author). 19 refs, 2 figs, 5 tabs.}
place = {IAEA}
year = {1991}
month = {Feb}