We consider the two dimensional Jackiw-Teitelboim model of gravity. We first couple the model to the Liouville action and c scalar fields and show, treating the combined system as a non linear sigma model, that the resulting theory can be interpreted as a critical string moving in a target space of dimension D=c+2. We then analyze the model from a perturbative point of view. We show in particular that the results of conformal field theory are exactly reproduced at the one-loop level. We also show that the theory is one loop finite if the cosmological constant {Lambda} is equal to zero. When {Lambda} is different from zero the one loop divergences are gauge-fixing dependent even on-shell. However, the theory can be renormalized as a non linear sigma model if a kinetic term is included for the auxiliary field. (author). 27 refs.
Citation Formats
Mazzitelli, F D, and Mohammedi, N.
Classical gravity coupled to Liouville theory.
IAEA: N. p.,
Mazzitelli, F D, & Mohammedi, N.
Classical gravity coupled to Liouville theory.
Mazzitelli, F D, and Mohammedi, N.
"Classical gravity coupled to Liouville theory."
title = {Classical gravity coupled to Liouville theory}
author = {Mazzitelli, F D, and Mohammedi, N}
abstractNote = {We consider the two dimensional Jackiw-Teitelboim model of gravity. We first couple the model to the Liouville action and c scalar fields and show, treating the combined system as a non linear sigma model, that the resulting theory can be interpreted as a critical string moving in a target space of dimension D=c+2. We then analyze the model from a perturbative point of view. We show in particular that the results of conformal field theory are exactly reproduced at the one-loop level. We also show that the theory is one loop finite if the cosmological constant {Lambda} is equal to zero. When {Lambda} is different from zero the one loop divergences are gauge-fixing dependent even on-shell. However, the theory can be renormalized as a non linear sigma model if a kinetic term is included for the auxiliary field. (author). 27 refs.}
place = {IAEA}
year = {1991}
month = {Aug}
title = {Classical gravity coupled to Liouville theory}
author = {Mazzitelli, F D, and Mohammedi, N}
abstractNote = {We consider the two dimensional Jackiw-Teitelboim model of gravity. We first couple the model to the Liouville action and c scalar fields and show, treating the combined system as a non linear sigma model, that the resulting theory can be interpreted as a critical string moving in a target space of dimension D=c+2. We then analyze the model from a perturbative point of view. We show in particular that the results of conformal field theory are exactly reproduced at the one-loop level. We also show that the theory is one loop finite if the cosmological constant {Lambda} is equal to zero. When {Lambda} is different from zero the one loop divergences are gauge-fixing dependent even on-shell. However, the theory can be renormalized as a non linear sigma model if a kinetic term is included for the auxiliary field. (author). 27 refs.}
place = {IAEA}
year = {1991}
month = {Aug}