On the basis of the recommendations of the Advisory Group Meeting on Main Principles of Safe Management of Severely Damaged Nuclear Fuel and other Accident Generated Waste, held from 13 to 16 November 1989, the IAEA initiated a programme in 1990 to collect technical information on special tools and methods to deal with circumstances beyond the normal design basis of fuel damage. A Questionnaire was sent out to solicit information from the Member States and organizations which might have experience in this field. The responses to the Questionnaire were discussed at a Consultants Meeting and at an Advisory Group Meeting during 1990. The aim of this document is to disseminate the experience gained in Member States serving Article 5 of the Convention on Assistance in the Case of a Nuclear Accident or Radiological Emergency and also filling a potential void in response to fuel damage events of less severe magnitude.
Citation Formats
Catalogue of methods, tools and techniques for recovery from fuel damage events.
IAEA: N. p.,
Catalogue of methods, tools and techniques for recovery from fuel damage events.
"Catalogue of methods, tools and techniques for recovery from fuel damage events."
title = {Catalogue of methods, tools and techniques for recovery from fuel damage events}
author = {None}
abstractNote = {On the basis of the recommendations of the Advisory Group Meeting on Main Principles of Safe Management of Severely Damaged Nuclear Fuel and other Accident Generated Waste, held from 13 to 16 November 1989, the IAEA initiated a programme in 1990 to collect technical information on special tools and methods to deal with circumstances beyond the normal design basis of fuel damage. A Questionnaire was sent out to solicit information from the Member States and organizations which might have experience in this field. The responses to the Questionnaire were discussed at a Consultants Meeting and at an Advisory Group Meeting during 1990. The aim of this document is to disseminate the experience gained in Member States serving Article 5 of the Convention on Assistance in the Case of a Nuclear Accident or Radiological Emergency and also filling a potential void in response to fuel damage events of less severe magnitude.}
place = {IAEA}
year = {1991}
month = {Oct}
title = {Catalogue of methods, tools and techniques for recovery from fuel damage events}
author = {None}
abstractNote = {On the basis of the recommendations of the Advisory Group Meeting on Main Principles of Safe Management of Severely Damaged Nuclear Fuel and other Accident Generated Waste, held from 13 to 16 November 1989, the IAEA initiated a programme in 1990 to collect technical information on special tools and methods to deal with circumstances beyond the normal design basis of fuel damage. A Questionnaire was sent out to solicit information from the Member States and organizations which might have experience in this field. The responses to the Questionnaire were discussed at a Consultants Meeting and at an Advisory Group Meeting during 1990. The aim of this document is to disseminate the experience gained in Member States serving Article 5 of the Convention on Assistance in the Case of a Nuclear Accident or Radiological Emergency and also filling a potential void in response to fuel damage events of less severe magnitude.}
place = {IAEA}
year = {1991}
month = {Oct}