Approaches of the MMIS design were analysed in this project. Both systems approach and experimental approach were studied. In addition, guidelines for the design of MMI are discussed. The methodology of experimental approach studied in this project can be useful for establishing experimental criteria on MMI design items. The framework of a computer code was developed by utilizing function-based task analysis and procedure information requirements. This can be further developed as a tool useful for the verification and validation of MMI designs. A test facility was designed in compliance with the purpose of experimental approach by considering specific conditions and factors inherent in nuclear power plants. Test facility can be used for conducting experiments which provide detailed human performance and characteristics data at the low level of systems approach. An experimental study was performed to obtain a range of illumination levels suitable for the operation in VDU-based control rooms. Existing design guidelines were tested by this experimental study. A conceptual design of MMIS was developed in accordance with the established MMIS design approach and was evaluated through the comparison to other advanced control room designs. (Author).
Shin, Hyun Kook;
Lee, Jeong Woon;
Lee, Yong Hee;
Oh, In Suk;
Park, Geun Ok
- Korea Atomic Energy Research Inst., Daeduk (Korea, Republic of)
Citation Formats
Shin, Hyun Kook, Lee, Jeong Woon, Lee, Yong Hee, Oh, In Suk, and Park, Geun Ok.
A study on the human factors of nuclear power plants man-machine interface.
Korea, Republic of: N. p.,
Shin, Hyun Kook, Lee, Jeong Woon, Lee, Yong Hee, Oh, In Suk, & Park, Geun Ok.
A study on the human factors of nuclear power plants man-machine interface.
Korea, Republic of.
Shin, Hyun Kook, Lee, Jeong Woon, Lee, Yong Hee, Oh, In Suk, and Park, Geun Ok.
"A study on the human factors of nuclear power plants man-machine interface."
Korea, Republic of.
title = {A study on the human factors of nuclear power plants man-machine interface}
author = {Shin, Hyun Kook, Lee, Jeong Woon, Lee, Yong Hee, Oh, In Suk, and Park, Geun Ok}
abstractNote = {Approaches of the MMIS design were analysed in this project. Both systems approach and experimental approach were studied. In addition, guidelines for the design of MMI are discussed. The methodology of experimental approach studied in this project can be useful for establishing experimental criteria on MMI design items. The framework of a computer code was developed by utilizing function-based task analysis and procedure information requirements. This can be further developed as a tool useful for the verification and validation of MMI designs. A test facility was designed in compliance with the purpose of experimental approach by considering specific conditions and factors inherent in nuclear power plants. Test facility can be used for conducting experiments which provide detailed human performance and characteristics data at the low level of systems approach. An experimental study was performed to obtain a range of illumination levels suitable for the operation in VDU-based control rooms. Existing design guidelines were tested by this experimental study. A conceptual design of MMIS was developed in accordance with the established MMIS design approach and was evaluated through the comparison to other advanced control room designs. (Author).}
place = {Korea, Republic of}
year = {1991}
month = {Jan}
title = {A study on the human factors of nuclear power plants man-machine interface}
author = {Shin, Hyun Kook, Lee, Jeong Woon, Lee, Yong Hee, Oh, In Suk, and Park, Geun Ok}
abstractNote = {Approaches of the MMIS design were analysed in this project. Both systems approach and experimental approach were studied. In addition, guidelines for the design of MMI are discussed. The methodology of experimental approach studied in this project can be useful for establishing experimental criteria on MMI design items. The framework of a computer code was developed by utilizing function-based task analysis and procedure information requirements. This can be further developed as a tool useful for the verification and validation of MMI designs. A test facility was designed in compliance with the purpose of experimental approach by considering specific conditions and factors inherent in nuclear power plants. Test facility can be used for conducting experiments which provide detailed human performance and characteristics data at the low level of systems approach. An experimental study was performed to obtain a range of illumination levels suitable for the operation in VDU-based control rooms. Existing design guidelines were tested by this experimental study. A conceptual design of MMIS was developed in accordance with the established MMIS design approach and was evaluated through the comparison to other advanced control room designs. (Author).}
place = {Korea, Republic of}
year = {1991}
month = {Jan}