According to the transfer of irradiation facilities such as 110 kCi Co-60 irradiator, 1 kCi Co-60 irradiator and 300 keV electron beam accelerator from Seoul to Taejon, there is in need of preparations for the re-establishment and safe operation of the facilities. Maintaining optimal condition of the facilities is essential to meet the needs from industries, institutes, universities and regional cooperative programs. Efficient management of the facilities as well as process improvement of irradiation is also significant for the promotion of radiation processing technology which can contribute to energy saving and environment preservation. The present process of 110 kCi Co-60 irradiator for sterilization of medical products was improved by redesigning the carrier system so that even bulky samples can be irradiated. Radiation safety of 1 kCi Co-60 irradiator could be strengthened through the modification of operation protocol and safety systems. The present conveyor system of electron beam accelerator suitable only for thin samples was improved so that even bulky sample could be irradiated. The improved conveyor system was designed with mobile wheel, and irradiation room was designed with rail on the floor. To prevent the loss of insulating gas from disassembling of power supply and accelerator, a recovery apparatus of
Kim, Ki Yup;
Pyun, Hyung Chick;
Jin, Joon Ha;
Yoon, Byung Mok;
Nho, Young Chang;
Lee, Young Keun;
Park, Soon Cheol;
Na, Bong Joo;
Yoo, Young Soo
- Korea Atomic Energy Research Inst., Daeduk (Korea, Republic of)
Citation Formats
Kim, Ki Yup, Pyun, Hyung Chick, Jin, Joon Ha, Yoon, Byung Mok, Nho, Young Chang, Lee, Young Keun, Park, Soon Cheol, Na, Bong Joo, and Yoo, Young Soo.
Studies on the improvement of irradiation process.
Korea, Republic of: N. p.,
Kim, Ki Yup, Pyun, Hyung Chick, Jin, Joon Ha, Yoon, Byung Mok, Nho, Young Chang, Lee, Young Keun, Park, Soon Cheol, Na, Bong Joo, & Yoo, Young Soo.
Studies on the improvement of irradiation process.
Korea, Republic of.
Kim, Ki Yup, Pyun, Hyung Chick, Jin, Joon Ha, Yoon, Byung Mok, Nho, Young Chang, Lee, Young Keun, Park, Soon Cheol, Na, Bong Joo, and Yoo, Young Soo.
"Studies on the improvement of irradiation process."
Korea, Republic of.
title = {Studies on the improvement of irradiation process}
author = {Kim, Ki Yup, Pyun, Hyung Chick, Jin, Joon Ha, Yoon, Byung Mok, Nho, Young Chang, Lee, Young Keun, Park, Soon Cheol, Na, Bong Joo, and Yoo, Young Soo}
abstractNote = {According to the transfer of irradiation facilities such as 110 kCi Co-60 irradiator, 1 kCi Co-60 irradiator and 300 keV electron beam accelerator from Seoul to Taejon, there is in need of preparations for the re-establishment and safe operation of the facilities. Maintaining optimal condition of the facilities is essential to meet the needs from industries, institutes, universities and regional cooperative programs. Efficient management of the facilities as well as process improvement of irradiation is also significant for the promotion of radiation processing technology which can contribute to energy saving and environment preservation. The present process of 110 kCi Co-60 irradiator for sterilization of medical products was improved by redesigning the carrier system so that even bulky samples can be irradiated. Radiation safety of 1 kCi Co-60 irradiator could be strengthened through the modification of operation protocol and safety systems. The present conveyor system of electron beam accelerator suitable only for thin samples was improved so that even bulky sample could be irradiated. The improved conveyor system was designed with mobile wheel, and irradiation room was designed with rail on the floor. To prevent the loss of insulating gas from disassembling of power supply and accelerator, a recovery apparatus of the gas was prepared. (Author).}
place = {Korea, Republic of}
year = {1991}
month = {Feb}
title = {Studies on the improvement of irradiation process}
author = {Kim, Ki Yup, Pyun, Hyung Chick, Jin, Joon Ha, Yoon, Byung Mok, Nho, Young Chang, Lee, Young Keun, Park, Soon Cheol, Na, Bong Joo, and Yoo, Young Soo}
abstractNote = {According to the transfer of irradiation facilities such as 110 kCi Co-60 irradiator, 1 kCi Co-60 irradiator and 300 keV electron beam accelerator from Seoul to Taejon, there is in need of preparations for the re-establishment and safe operation of the facilities. Maintaining optimal condition of the facilities is essential to meet the needs from industries, institutes, universities and regional cooperative programs. Efficient management of the facilities as well as process improvement of irradiation is also significant for the promotion of radiation processing technology which can contribute to energy saving and environment preservation. The present process of 110 kCi Co-60 irradiator for sterilization of medical products was improved by redesigning the carrier system so that even bulky samples can be irradiated. Radiation safety of 1 kCi Co-60 irradiator could be strengthened through the modification of operation protocol and safety systems. The present conveyor system of electron beam accelerator suitable only for thin samples was improved so that even bulky sample could be irradiated. The improved conveyor system was designed with mobile wheel, and irradiation room was designed with rail on the floor. To prevent the loss of insulating gas from disassembling of power supply and accelerator, a recovery apparatus of the gas was prepared. (Author).}
place = {Korea, Republic of}
year = {1991}
month = {Feb}