From the previous year research, it was expected that power pulse during LOCA for CANDU loaded with DUPIC fuel be steeper and higher than that for the CANDU loaded with natural uranium fuel. As a potential resolution to this concern, a fuel bundle concept was proposed composed of fuel pins of 35,000 MWD/TU DUPIC fuel composition, except the center pin mixed with burnable poison called DY-164. In addition to this center pin poisoning, lowering the total fissile isotopes in inner ring pins than that of the DUPIC fuel composition of 35,000 MWD/TU PWR burnup should enhance the reduction of positive reactivity insertion under half core voiding and raising the total amount of fissile isotopes in outer ring pins to minimize the burnup penalty due to burnable poison. Major outcome of this year research was (1) identification of the amount of DY-164 needed to keep the peak reactor power during LOCA at the same level as a natural uranium fuelled core. (2) the calculation of the power distribution in the bundle and the core and the comparison of the maximum channel and bundle powers for individual fuel options with those of the natural uranium CANDU-6 core. It is found that the
Rhee, Bo Wook;
Choi, Hang Bok;
Kim, Bong Gi;
Lee, Young Ook;
Chung, Chang Joon;
Hwang, Wan;
Kim, Il Kon;
Cho, Jae Seon;
Park, Chang Jae;
Huh, Chang Uk
- Korea Atomic Energy Res. Inst., Taejon (Korea, Republic of)
Citation Formats
Rhee, Bo Wook, Choi, Hang Bok, Kim, Bong Gi, Lee, Young Ook, Chung, Chang Joon, Hwang, Wan, Kim, Il Kon, Cho, Jae Seon, Park, Chang Jae, and Huh, Chang Uk.
Fuel management and safety analysis -A study on the direct use of spent PWR fuel in CANDU reactors-.
Korea, Republic of: N. p.,
Rhee, Bo Wook, Choi, Hang Bok, Kim, Bong Gi, Lee, Young Ook, Chung, Chang Joon, Hwang, Wan, Kim, Il Kon, Cho, Jae Seon, Park, Chang Jae, & Huh, Chang Uk.
Fuel management and safety analysis -A study on the direct use of spent PWR fuel in CANDU reactors-.
Korea, Republic of.
Rhee, Bo Wook, Choi, Hang Bok, Kim, Bong Gi, Lee, Young Ook, Chung, Chang Joon, Hwang, Wan, Kim, Il Kon, Cho, Jae Seon, Park, Chang Jae, and Huh, Chang Uk.
"Fuel management and safety analysis -A study on the direct use of spent PWR fuel in CANDU reactors-."
Korea, Republic of.
title = {Fuel management and safety analysis -A study on the direct use of spent PWR fuel in CANDU reactors-}
author = {Rhee, Bo Wook, Choi, Hang Bok, Kim, Bong Gi, Lee, Young Ook, Chung, Chang Joon, Hwang, Wan, Kim, Il Kon, Cho, Jae Seon, Park, Chang Jae, and Huh, Chang Uk}
abstractNote = {From the previous year research, it was expected that power pulse during LOCA for CANDU loaded with DUPIC fuel be steeper and higher than that for the CANDU loaded with natural uranium fuel. As a potential resolution to this concern, a fuel bundle concept was proposed composed of fuel pins of 35,000 MWD/TU DUPIC fuel composition, except the center pin mixed with burnable poison called DY-164. In addition to this center pin poisoning, lowering the total fissile isotopes in inner ring pins than that of the DUPIC fuel composition of 35,000 MWD/TU PWR burnup should enhance the reduction of positive reactivity insertion under half core voiding and raising the total amount of fissile isotopes in outer ring pins to minimize the burnup penalty due to burnable poison. Major outcome of this year research was (1) identification of the amount of DY-164 needed to keep the peak reactor power during LOCA at the same level as a natural uranium fuelled core. (2) the calculation of the power distribution in the bundle and the core and the comparison of the maximum channel and bundle powers for individual fuel options with those of the natural uranium CANDU-6 core. It is found that the maximum powers of DUPIC fuel options are several % lower than those and operation limits of Wolsung-2. However, it did not account for the uncertainty in nuclear design calculation caused by applying the analysis tools and cross section library not yet validated for DUPIC application and the inhomogeneity and measurement uncertainty in the fissile isotopes and fission products in the DUPIC pellet. For the start of basic design of the DUPIC fuel fabrication facilities, off-gas trapping and treatment system, the safeguards systems, basic composition of DUPIC test fuel bundle is necessary. Thus a best choice was made among the 3 fuel composition options investigated based on assessing various aspects such as core power distribution, etc.}
place = {Korea, Republic of}
year = {1994}
month = {Jul}
title = {Fuel management and safety analysis -A study on the direct use of spent PWR fuel in CANDU reactors-}
author = {Rhee, Bo Wook, Choi, Hang Bok, Kim, Bong Gi, Lee, Young Ook, Chung, Chang Joon, Hwang, Wan, Kim, Il Kon, Cho, Jae Seon, Park, Chang Jae, and Huh, Chang Uk}
abstractNote = {From the previous year research, it was expected that power pulse during LOCA for CANDU loaded with DUPIC fuel be steeper and higher than that for the CANDU loaded with natural uranium fuel. As a potential resolution to this concern, a fuel bundle concept was proposed composed of fuel pins of 35,000 MWD/TU DUPIC fuel composition, except the center pin mixed with burnable poison called DY-164. In addition to this center pin poisoning, lowering the total fissile isotopes in inner ring pins than that of the DUPIC fuel composition of 35,000 MWD/TU PWR burnup should enhance the reduction of positive reactivity insertion under half core voiding and raising the total amount of fissile isotopes in outer ring pins to minimize the burnup penalty due to burnable poison. Major outcome of this year research was (1) identification of the amount of DY-164 needed to keep the peak reactor power during LOCA at the same level as a natural uranium fuelled core. (2) the calculation of the power distribution in the bundle and the core and the comparison of the maximum channel and bundle powers for individual fuel options with those of the natural uranium CANDU-6 core. It is found that the maximum powers of DUPIC fuel options are several % lower than those and operation limits of Wolsung-2. However, it did not account for the uncertainty in nuclear design calculation caused by applying the analysis tools and cross section library not yet validated for DUPIC application and the inhomogeneity and measurement uncertainty in the fissile isotopes and fission products in the DUPIC pellet. For the start of basic design of the DUPIC fuel fabrication facilities, off-gas trapping and treatment system, the safeguards systems, basic composition of DUPIC test fuel bundle is necessary. Thus a best choice was made among the 3 fuel composition options investigated based on assessing various aspects such as core power distribution, etc.}
place = {Korea, Republic of}
year = {1994}
month = {Jul}