In order to verify the consistent analysis method of determining the anisotropic physical properties of hexagonal polycrystal materials from the texture which we established in 1989, angular dependent ultrasonic velocities were measured on a thin zircaloy-4 sheet, and compared with the estimations based on the texture measurements performed independently by the neutron diffraction. The relative variations of the experimental ultrasonic velocities of SHO (fundamental horizontally polarized shear mode) and SO (fundamental symmetric Lamb mode) waves in the rolling plane showed maximum 0.13% and 0.35% respectively with respect to the velocities in the rolling direction, suggesting very weak anisotropy and agreed well with the estimations obtained from the texture analysis. In a direct comparison of the elastic constant C66 available from absolute velocity measurement of SHO wave with the estimated value agreement was also retained within an error margin of 0.5%. KAERI has been proceeding with construction of 30 MW Korea Multipurpose Research Reactor(KMRR) with various design features. Therefore several preparatory works for neutron beam experiments and plans for the KMRR experimental facilities and neutron diffractometers have been done to the above continued study. The works include design and fabrication of the optimum coarse collimators for 4 standard beam tubes and
Kim, Huhn Jun;
Kim, Yong Che;
Chun, Byung Chil;
Lee, Chang Hee;
Lee, Jeong Soo;
Seong, Baek Seok;
Shim, Hae Seop;
Choi, Byung Hoon;
Ho, Jong Wha
- Korea Atomic Energy Research Inst., Daeduk (Korea, Republic of)
Citation Formats
Kim, Huhn Jun, Kim, Yong Che, Chun, Byung Chil, Lee, Chang Hee, Lee, Jeong Soo, Seong, Baek Seok, Shim, Hae Seop, Choi, Byung Hoon, and Ho, Jong Wha.
A study on nuclear materials by neutron scattering.
Korea, Republic of: N. p.,
Kim, Huhn Jun, Kim, Yong Che, Chun, Byung Chil, Lee, Chang Hee, Lee, Jeong Soo, Seong, Baek Seok, Shim, Hae Seop, Choi, Byung Hoon, & Ho, Jong Wha.
A study on nuclear materials by neutron scattering.
Korea, Republic of.
Kim, Huhn Jun, Kim, Yong Che, Chun, Byung Chil, Lee, Chang Hee, Lee, Jeong Soo, Seong, Baek Seok, Shim, Hae Seop, Choi, Byung Hoon, and Ho, Jong Wha.
"A study on nuclear materials by neutron scattering."
Korea, Republic of.
title = {A study on nuclear materials by neutron scattering}
author = {Kim, Huhn Jun, Kim, Yong Che, Chun, Byung Chil, Lee, Chang Hee, Lee, Jeong Soo, Seong, Baek Seok, Shim, Hae Seop, Choi, Byung Hoon, and Ho, Jong Wha}
abstractNote = {In order to verify the consistent analysis method of determining the anisotropic physical properties of hexagonal polycrystal materials from the texture which we established in 1989, angular dependent ultrasonic velocities were measured on a thin zircaloy-4 sheet, and compared with the estimations based on the texture measurements performed independently by the neutron diffraction. The relative variations of the experimental ultrasonic velocities of SHO (fundamental horizontally polarized shear mode) and SO (fundamental symmetric Lamb mode) waves in the rolling plane showed maximum 0.13% and 0.35% respectively with respect to the velocities in the rolling direction, suggesting very weak anisotropy and agreed well with the estimations obtained from the texture analysis. In a direct comparison of the elastic constant C66 available from absolute velocity measurement of SHO wave with the estimated value agreement was also retained within an error margin of 0.5%. KAERI has been proceeding with construction of 30 MW Korea Multipurpose Research Reactor(KMRR) with various design features. Therefore several preparatory works for neutron beam experiments and plans for the KMRR experimental facilities and neutron diffractometers have been done to the above continued study. The works include design and fabrication of the optimum coarse collimators for 4 standard beam tubes and 1 cold neutron one, and of the inpile collimator for neutron radiography. Mock-up testing of the rotating shutter and collimator, and its control system was done. (Author).}
place = {Korea, Republic of}
year = {1991}
month = {Mar}
title = {A study on nuclear materials by neutron scattering}
author = {Kim, Huhn Jun, Kim, Yong Che, Chun, Byung Chil, Lee, Chang Hee, Lee, Jeong Soo, Seong, Baek Seok, Shim, Hae Seop, Choi, Byung Hoon, and Ho, Jong Wha}
abstractNote = {In order to verify the consistent analysis method of determining the anisotropic physical properties of hexagonal polycrystal materials from the texture which we established in 1989, angular dependent ultrasonic velocities were measured on a thin zircaloy-4 sheet, and compared with the estimations based on the texture measurements performed independently by the neutron diffraction. The relative variations of the experimental ultrasonic velocities of SHO (fundamental horizontally polarized shear mode) and SO (fundamental symmetric Lamb mode) waves in the rolling plane showed maximum 0.13% and 0.35% respectively with respect to the velocities in the rolling direction, suggesting very weak anisotropy and agreed well with the estimations obtained from the texture analysis. In a direct comparison of the elastic constant C66 available from absolute velocity measurement of SHO wave with the estimated value agreement was also retained within an error margin of 0.5%. KAERI has been proceeding with construction of 30 MW Korea Multipurpose Research Reactor(KMRR) with various design features. Therefore several preparatory works for neutron beam experiments and plans for the KMRR experimental facilities and neutron diffractometers have been done to the above continued study. The works include design and fabrication of the optimum coarse collimators for 4 standard beam tubes and 1 cold neutron one, and of the inpile collimator for neutron radiography. Mock-up testing of the rotating shutter and collimator, and its control system was done. (Author).}
place = {Korea, Republic of}
year = {1991}
month = {Mar}