An L x {infinity} system of odd number of coupled Heisenberg spin chains is studied using a degenerate perturbation theory, where L is the number of coupled chains. An effective chain Hamiltonian is derived explicitly in terms of two spin half degrees of freedom of a closed chain of L sites, valid in the regime the inter-chain coupling is stronger than the intra-chain coupling. The spin gap has been calculated numerically using the effective Hamiltonian for L = 3,5,7,9 for a finite chain up to ten sites. It is suggested that the ground state of the effective Hamiltonian is correlated, by examining various variational trial states for the effective-spin chain Hamiltonian. (author). 11 refs, 1 fig., 1 tab.
Citation Formats
Subrahmanyam, V.
Effective chiral-spin Hamiltonian for odd-numbered coupled Heisenberg chains.
IAEA: N. p.,
Subrahmanyam, V.
Effective chiral-spin Hamiltonian for odd-numbered coupled Heisenberg chains.
Subrahmanyam, V.
"Effective chiral-spin Hamiltonian for odd-numbered coupled Heisenberg chains."
title = {Effective chiral-spin Hamiltonian for odd-numbered coupled Heisenberg chains}
author = {Subrahmanyam, V}
abstractNote = {An L x {infinity} system of odd number of coupled Heisenberg spin chains is studied using a degenerate perturbation theory, where L is the number of coupled chains. An effective chain Hamiltonian is derived explicitly in terms of two spin half degrees of freedom of a closed chain of L sites, valid in the regime the inter-chain coupling is stronger than the intra-chain coupling. The spin gap has been calculated numerically using the effective Hamiltonian for L = 3,5,7,9 for a finite chain up to ten sites. It is suggested that the ground state of the effective Hamiltonian is correlated, by examining various variational trial states for the effective-spin chain Hamiltonian. (author). 11 refs, 1 fig., 1 tab.}
place = {IAEA}
year = {1994}
month = {Sep}
title = {Effective chiral-spin Hamiltonian for odd-numbered coupled Heisenberg chains}
author = {Subrahmanyam, V}
abstractNote = {An L x {infinity} system of odd number of coupled Heisenberg spin chains is studied using a degenerate perturbation theory, where L is the number of coupled chains. An effective chain Hamiltonian is derived explicitly in terms of two spin half degrees of freedom of a closed chain of L sites, valid in the regime the inter-chain coupling is stronger than the intra-chain coupling. The spin gap has been calculated numerically using the effective Hamiltonian for L = 3,5,7,9 for a finite chain up to ten sites. It is suggested that the ground state of the effective Hamiltonian is correlated, by examining various variational trial states for the effective-spin chain Hamiltonian. (author). 11 refs, 1 fig., 1 tab.}
place = {IAEA}
year = {1994}
month = {Sep}