Optical transition radiation (OTR) appearing at a charged particle transition through a series of transparent layers with the parameters close to SiO{sub 2}-aerogels is analysed. At low velocities {beta} ({beta}<0,2) it was found out that in this case the whole OTR intensity is much higher in comparison with the radiation of usual width. The rise in the intensity causes optical parametric Vavilov-Cherenkov radiation whose appearance is supported by an assembly radiator, possessing suitable conditions. (author). 10 refs., 16 figs.
Ruzicka, J;
Krupa, L;
Fadeev, V A
- Komenskeho Univ., Bratislava (Slovakia)
- Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research, Dubna (Russian Federation). Lab. of Nuclear Problems
Citation Formats
Ruzicka, J, Krupa, L, and Fadeev, V A.
On Optical Transition Radiation of Charged Particles in SiO{sub 2}-Aerogels; Ob opticheskom perekhodnom izluchenii zaryazhennykh chastits v SiO{sub 2}-aehrogelyakh.
JINR: N. p.,
Ruzicka, J, Krupa, L, & Fadeev, V A.
On Optical Transition Radiation of Charged Particles in SiO{sub 2}-Aerogels; Ob opticheskom perekhodnom izluchenii zaryazhennykh chastits v SiO{sub 2}-aehrogelyakh.
Ruzicka, J, Krupa, L, and Fadeev, V A.
"On Optical Transition Radiation of Charged Particles in SiO{sub 2}-Aerogels; Ob opticheskom perekhodnom izluchenii zaryazhennykh chastits v SiO{sub 2}-aehrogelyakh."
title = {On Optical Transition Radiation of Charged Particles in SiO{sub 2}-Aerogels; Ob opticheskom perekhodnom izluchenii zaryazhennykh chastits v SiO{sub 2}-aehrogelyakh}
author = {Ruzicka, J, Krupa, L, and Fadeev, V A}
abstractNote = {Optical transition radiation (OTR) appearing at a charged particle transition through a series of transparent layers with the parameters close to SiO{sub 2}-aerogels is analysed. At low velocities {beta} ({beta}<0,2) it was found out that in this case the whole OTR intensity is much higher in comparison with the radiation of usual width. The rise in the intensity causes optical parametric Vavilov-Cherenkov radiation whose appearance is supported by an assembly radiator, possessing suitable conditions. (author). 10 refs., 16 figs.}
place = {JINR}
year = {1994}
month = {Dec}
title = {On Optical Transition Radiation of Charged Particles in SiO{sub 2}-Aerogels; Ob opticheskom perekhodnom izluchenii zaryazhennykh chastits v SiO{sub 2}-aehrogelyakh}
author = {Ruzicka, J, Krupa, L, and Fadeev, V A}
abstractNote = {Optical transition radiation (OTR) appearing at a charged particle transition through a series of transparent layers with the parameters close to SiO{sub 2}-aerogels is analysed. At low velocities {beta} ({beta}<0,2) it was found out that in this case the whole OTR intensity is much higher in comparison with the radiation of usual width. The rise in the intensity causes optical parametric Vavilov-Cherenkov radiation whose appearance is supported by an assembly radiator, possessing suitable conditions. (author). 10 refs., 16 figs.}
place = {JINR}
year = {1994}
month = {Dec}