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A higher order shear deformation theory for laminated anisotropic plates and its application in defence industry


Composite materials have been used for centuries, brick reinforced with straw, laminated iron-steel swords, gun-barrels and concrete, to name but a few. Today industrial innovations improved energy planning, uncertain availability have created a greater interest in search of new materials. Now that increasingly performance requirements are forcing many conventional materials to the limit, the engineer`s approach of fitting the design to the properties is changing into one of finding materials with the right properties to meet the demand of design, service of economics. The use of composite materials have progressed through several stages in past two and half decade. First, demonstration pieces were built with the idea of let`s see if we can build one. For second stage, replacement pieces, part of the objective was to test a part designed to replace a metal part in an existing application. The last stage is actual production pieces designed from the beginning to be fabricated wholly from composite. This last goal is being approached in deliberate, conservation and multistage fashion. A substantial composite technology has been developed and awaits further challenge. In this paper new higher order shear deformable theory for anisotropic laminated composite is presented. The finite element method is used  More>>
Publication Date:
Dec 31, 1992
Product Type:
Report Number:
INIS-mf-13740; CONF-9204276-
Reference Number:
SCA: 360103; PA: AIX-25:005397; EDB-94:013268; ERA-19:006965; NTS-94:015042; SN: 94001125919
Resource Relation:
Conference: Seminar on research and development in support of technology with military applications,Karachi (Pakistan),29 Apr 1992; Other Information: PBD: 1992
Research Organizations:
Pakistan Inst. of Nuclear Science and Technology, Islamabad (Pakistan)
Country of Origin:
Other Identifying Numbers:
Other: ON: DE94610232; TRN: PK9300041005397
OSTI; NTIS (US Sales Only); INIS
Submitting Site:
16 p.
Announcement Date:
Jun 30, 2005

Citation Formats

Pervez, T. A higher order shear deformation theory for laminated anisotropic plates and its application in defence industry. Pakistan: N. p., 1992. Web.
Pervez, T. A higher order shear deformation theory for laminated anisotropic plates and its application in defence industry. Pakistan.
Pervez, T. 1992. "A higher order shear deformation theory for laminated anisotropic plates and its application in defence industry." Pakistan.
title = {A higher order shear deformation theory for laminated anisotropic plates and its application in defence industry}
author = {Pervez, T}
abstractNote = {Composite materials have been used for centuries, brick reinforced with straw, laminated iron-steel swords, gun-barrels and concrete, to name but a few. Today industrial innovations improved energy planning, uncertain availability have created a greater interest in search of new materials. Now that increasingly performance requirements are forcing many conventional materials to the limit, the engineer`s approach of fitting the design to the properties is changing into one of finding materials with the right properties to meet the demand of design, service of economics. The use of composite materials have progressed through several stages in past two and half decade. First, demonstration pieces were built with the idea of let`s see if we can build one. For second stage, replacement pieces, part of the objective was to test a part designed to replace a metal part in an existing application. The last stage is actual production pieces designed from the beginning to be fabricated wholly from composite. This last goal is being approached in deliberate, conservation and multistage fashion. A substantial composite technology has been developed and awaits further challenge. In this paper new higher order shear deformable theory for anisotropic laminated composite is presented. The finite element method is used to get static and dynamic solution for the plate with and without damping effects. Finally, example and discussion are presented to demonstrate the accuracy of the theory presented herein. (author).}
place = {Pakistan}
year = {1992}
month = {Dec}