Development of a special method for the dust epidemiology of coalmines: determination of transition probabilities for various stages of coalworkers` pneumoconiosis (phase I). It was the aim of this study to describe and analyse the course of development of coalworkers` pneumonconiosis and its dependence on the length of underground time, calendar time and age as the time variables chosen. In all, the model analyses of the course of disease pointed to risk reductions that were related to calendar times, even if the miner`s age at the beginning of his underground occupation was additionally taken into account. The described model of the developmental process of disease, which formed part of a general stochastic model, was found to be useful in the analysis of transitions from CWSP = 0/0 to stages of CWSP > 0/1 (and interim stages). This means that the probability of occurrence of coalworkers` simple pneumonconiosis could thus be determined. Further refinements to the method appear recommendable so as to permit transition probabilities to be determined for the individual stages of CWSP and PMF. (orig./MG). [Deutsch] Insgesamt ergeben die Modellanalysen des Krankheitsverlaufsprozesses einen Rueckgang des Risikos mit der Kalenderzeit, auch wenn das Alter bei Beginn der Untertagetaetigkeit als zusaetzliche
Citation Formats
Morfeld, P, Kampmann, B, Vautrin, H J, and Piekarski, C.
Development of a special method for the dust epidemiology of coal mines: Determination of transition probabilities for various stages of coal-workers pneumoconiosis (Phase 1); Spezielle Methodenentwicklung zur zechenbezogenen Staubepidemiologie: Bestimmung von Uebergangswahrscheinlichkeiten zwischen Stufen der Bergarbeiterpneumokoniose (Phase 1).
Germany: N. p.,
Morfeld, P, Kampmann, B, Vautrin, H J, & Piekarski, C.
Development of a special method for the dust epidemiology of coal mines: Determination of transition probabilities for various stages of coal-workers pneumoconiosis (Phase 1); Spezielle Methodenentwicklung zur zechenbezogenen Staubepidemiologie: Bestimmung von Uebergangswahrscheinlichkeiten zwischen Stufen der Bergarbeiterpneumokoniose (Phase 1).
Morfeld, P, Kampmann, B, Vautrin, H J, and Piekarski, C.
"Development of a special method for the dust epidemiology of coal mines: Determination of transition probabilities for various stages of coal-workers pneumoconiosis (Phase 1); Spezielle Methodenentwicklung zur zechenbezogenen Staubepidemiologie: Bestimmung von Uebergangswahrscheinlichkeiten zwischen Stufen der Bergarbeiterpneumokoniose (Phase 1)."
title = {Development of a special method for the dust epidemiology of coal mines: Determination of transition probabilities for various stages of coal-workers pneumoconiosis (Phase 1); Spezielle Methodenentwicklung zur zechenbezogenen Staubepidemiologie: Bestimmung von Uebergangswahrscheinlichkeiten zwischen Stufen der Bergarbeiterpneumokoniose (Phase 1)}
author = {Morfeld, P, Kampmann, B, Vautrin, H J, and Piekarski, C}
abstractNote = {Development of a special method for the dust epidemiology of coalmines: determination of transition probabilities for various stages of coalworkers` pneumoconiosis (phase I). It was the aim of this study to describe and analyse the course of development of coalworkers` pneumonconiosis and its dependence on the length of underground time, calendar time and age as the time variables chosen. In all, the model analyses of the course of disease pointed to risk reductions that were related to calendar times, even if the miner`s age at the beginning of his underground occupation was additionally taken into account. The described model of the developmental process of disease, which formed part of a general stochastic model, was found to be useful in the analysis of transitions from CWSP = 0/0 to stages of CWSP > 0/1 (and interim stages). This means that the probability of occurrence of coalworkers` simple pneumonconiosis could thus be determined. Further refinements to the method appear recommendable so as to permit transition probabilities to be determined for the individual stages of CWSP and PMF. (orig./MG). [Deutsch] Insgesamt ergeben die Modellanalysen des Krankheitsverlaufsprozesses einen Rueckgang des Risikos mit der Kalenderzeit, auch wenn das Alter bei Beginn der Untertagetaetigkeit als zusaetzliche Einflussgroesse beruecksichtigt wird. Die dargestellte Modellierung des Krankheitsverlaufprozesses im Rahmen eines allgemeinen stochastischen Modells hat sich fuer die Analyse der Uebergaenge von CWSP = 0/0 (ggf. ueber Zwischenstufen) zu den Kategorien der CWSP {>=} 0/1, d. h. zur Analyse der Auftrittswahrscheinlichkeiten der einfachen Bergarbeiterpneumokoniose bewaehrt. Es empfiehlt sich, diesen Ansatz auszubauen, um die Uebergangswahrscheinlichkeiten zwischen den Stufen der CWSP und zur PMF zu analysieren. (orig./MG).}
place = {Germany}
year = {1990}
month = {Dec}
title = {Development of a special method for the dust epidemiology of coal mines: Determination of transition probabilities for various stages of coal-workers pneumoconiosis (Phase 1); Spezielle Methodenentwicklung zur zechenbezogenen Staubepidemiologie: Bestimmung von Uebergangswahrscheinlichkeiten zwischen Stufen der Bergarbeiterpneumokoniose (Phase 1)}
author = {Morfeld, P, Kampmann, B, Vautrin, H J, and Piekarski, C}
abstractNote = {Development of a special method for the dust epidemiology of coalmines: determination of transition probabilities for various stages of coalworkers` pneumoconiosis (phase I). It was the aim of this study to describe and analyse the course of development of coalworkers` pneumonconiosis and its dependence on the length of underground time, calendar time and age as the time variables chosen. In all, the model analyses of the course of disease pointed to risk reductions that were related to calendar times, even if the miner`s age at the beginning of his underground occupation was additionally taken into account. The described model of the developmental process of disease, which formed part of a general stochastic model, was found to be useful in the analysis of transitions from CWSP = 0/0 to stages of CWSP > 0/1 (and interim stages). This means that the probability of occurrence of coalworkers` simple pneumonconiosis could thus be determined. Further refinements to the method appear recommendable so as to permit transition probabilities to be determined for the individual stages of CWSP and PMF. (orig./MG). [Deutsch] Insgesamt ergeben die Modellanalysen des Krankheitsverlaufsprozesses einen Rueckgang des Risikos mit der Kalenderzeit, auch wenn das Alter bei Beginn der Untertagetaetigkeit als zusaetzliche Einflussgroesse beruecksichtigt wird. Die dargestellte Modellierung des Krankheitsverlaufprozesses im Rahmen eines allgemeinen stochastischen Modells hat sich fuer die Analyse der Uebergaenge von CWSP = 0/0 (ggf. ueber Zwischenstufen) zu den Kategorien der CWSP {>=} 0/1, d. h. zur Analyse der Auftrittswahrscheinlichkeiten der einfachen Bergarbeiterpneumokoniose bewaehrt. Es empfiehlt sich, diesen Ansatz auszubauen, um die Uebergangswahrscheinlichkeiten zwischen den Stufen der CWSP und zur PMF zu analysieren. (orig./MG).}
place = {Germany}
year = {1990}
month = {Dec}