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The Antarctic ice sheet and environmental change: A three-dimensional modelling study


This thesis addresses the response of the antarctic ice sheet to changes in environmental conditions, both on the longer palaeoclimatic time scale (10{sup 4}-10{sup 5} y) as on the shorter time scale (10{sup 2} y) associated with future greenhouse warming. The Antarctic ice sheet is of large interest because changes in its elevation and extent have an important role in modulating global atmosperic and oceanographic processes, and because these fluctuations contribute significantly to world-wide sea levels. The possibility of a surge of the marinebased West Antarctic ice sheet is often mentioned as an important aspect. In a first part a qualitative description is given of the role of the ice sheet in the global environmental system and the possible modes of interaction are discussed. An overview is also presented of the ice sheet`s glacial history and of available field evidence of ice sheet expansion during the last glacial cycle. Subsequently, the Antarctic ice sheet is investigated using a high-resolution 3-D flow model covering the entrie ice domain. This model incorporates a coupled ice shelf, grounding-line dynamics, basal sliding and isostatic bed adjustment. It has a full coupling between thermal field and ice flow and the ice sheet geometry is freely  More>>
Huybrechts, P [1] 
  1. Vrije Univ. Brussels (Belgium). Geografisch Inst.
Publication Date:
Dec 31, 1992
Product Type:
Report Number:
Reference Number:
SCA: 540110; PA: DE-93:000004; SN: 93000915431
Resource Relation:
Journal Issue: no. 99/92; Other Information: TH: Diss.; PBD: 1992; Related Information: Berichte zur Polarforschung
Research Organizations:
Alfred-Wegener-Institut fuer Polar- und Meeresforschung, Bremerhaven (Germany)
Country of Origin:
Other Identifying Numbers:
Other: ON: DE93750259; TRN: DE9300004
OSTI; NTIS (US Sales Only)
Submitting Site:
245 p.
Announcement Date:
Jun 30, 2005

Citation Formats

Huybrechts, P. The Antarctic ice sheet and environmental change: A three-dimensional modelling study. Germany: N. p., 1992. Web.
Huybrechts, P. The Antarctic ice sheet and environmental change: A three-dimensional modelling study. Germany.
Huybrechts, P. 1992. "The Antarctic ice sheet and environmental change: A three-dimensional modelling study." Germany.
title = {The Antarctic ice sheet and environmental change: A three-dimensional modelling study}
author = {Huybrechts, P}
abstractNote = {This thesis addresses the response of the antarctic ice sheet to changes in environmental conditions, both on the longer palaeoclimatic time scale (10{sup 4}-10{sup 5} y) as on the shorter time scale (10{sup 2} y) associated with future greenhouse warming. The Antarctic ice sheet is of large interest because changes in its elevation and extent have an important role in modulating global atmosperic and oceanographic processes, and because these fluctuations contribute significantly to world-wide sea levels. The possibility of a surge of the marinebased West Antarctic ice sheet is often mentioned as an important aspect. In a first part a qualitative description is given of the role of the ice sheet in the global environmental system and the possible modes of interaction are discussed. An overview is also presented of the ice sheet`s glacial history and of available field evidence of ice sheet expansion during the last glacial cycle. Subsequently, the Antarctic ice sheet is investigated using a high-resolution 3-D flow model covering the entrie ice domain. This model incorporates a coupled ice shelf, grounding-line dynamics, basal sliding and isostatic bed adjustment. It has a full coupling between thermal field and ice flow and the ice sheet geometry is freely generated in response to specified environmental conditions. The model is driven by changes in sea level, surface temperature and mass balance. (orig.). [Deutsch] Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit den Reaktionen des antarktischen Eisschildes auf veraenderte Umweltbedingungen, sowohl fuer die laengere paleoklimatische Zeitskala (10{sup 4}-10{sup 5} a), als auch fuer die kuerzere, mit dem kuenftigen Treibhauseffekt in Verbindung stehende Zeitskala (10{sup 2} a). Die Reaktionen des antarktischen Inlandeises sind von grossem Interesse, weil Aenderungen seiner Maechtigkeit und Ausdehung eine wichtige Rolle spielen fuer globale atmosherische und ozeanographische Prozesse. Diese Aenderungen sind auch entscheidend verantwortlich fuer weltweite Meeresspiegelaenderungen. In deren Zusammenhang wird oft ein schneller Zusammenbruch der Westantarktis, eines marinen Eisschildes, in Erwaegung gezogen. Der erste Teil gibt eine qualitative Beschreibung der Rolle des Eisschildes fuer die globale Umwelt und diskutiert moegliche gegenseitige Einfluesse. Ausserdem wird ein Ueberblick ueber die glaziale Geschichte des Inlandeises gegeben und anhand von verfuegbaren Feldmessungen dessen Ausdehnung waehrend des letzten Glazials rekonstruiert. Darauffolgend wird der antarktische Eisschild einschliesslich der Schelfeise mit einem hochaufloesenden dreidimensionalen Fliessmodell untersucht. Das Modell beruecksichtigt die Dynamik der Aufsetzlinie, basales Gleiten sowie isostatische Reaktionen des Untergrundes. Einsfluss und Temperaturfeld sind gekoppelt, so dass spezifizierte Umweltbedingungen die Geometrie des Eisschildes kontrollieren. Meeresspiegelschwankungen sowie Aenderungen der Massenbilanz und Oberflaechentemperatur treiben das Modell an. (orig.).}
issue = {no. 99/92}
place = {Germany}
year = {1992}
month = {Dec}