Transverse momentum distributions and correlation characteristics of relativistic {alpha}-particles were studied for the coherent dissociation of carbon nucleus into three alphas at p{sub 0}=4.5 GeV/c in emulsion enriched by Pb. The comparative analysis of the data obtained in usual and enriched by Pb emulsion stacks was made. It was shown that the statistical model of rapid fragmentation doesn`t describe the momentum and correlation characteristics of {alpha}-particles in the rest system of fragmentating carbon nucleus. The decay temperature of {sup 12}C was estimated: it exhibits a weak dependence on target atomic number. It was shown that the fragmentating projectile nucleus acquires the angular momentum during collision. (author). 14 refs., 5 figs., 2 tabs.
Belaga, V V;
Rusakova, V V;
Chernov, G M;
Benjaza, A A;
Salomov, D A
- Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research, Dubna (Russian Federation). Lab. of High Energy
- Aden Univ., Aden (Yemen)
- Tadzhikskij Gosudarstvennyj Univ., Dushanbe (Tajikistan)
Citation Formats
Belaga, V V, Rusakova, V V, Chernov, G M, Benjaza, A A, and Salomov, D A.
Coherent Dissociation {sup 12}C {yields} 3{alpha} in Emulsion Enriched by Pb; Kogerentnaya dissotsiatsiya {sup 12}C {yields} 3{alpha} pri 4,5 A GehV/c na yadrakh ehmul`sii, obogashchennoj svintsom.
JINR: N. p.,
Belaga, V V, Rusakova, V V, Chernov, G M, Benjaza, A A, & Salomov, D A.
Coherent Dissociation {sup 12}C {yields} 3{alpha} in Emulsion Enriched by Pb; Kogerentnaya dissotsiatsiya {sup 12}C {yields} 3{alpha} pri 4,5 A GehV/c na yadrakh ehmul`sii, obogashchennoj svintsom.
Belaga, V V, Rusakova, V V, Chernov, G M, Benjaza, A A, and Salomov, D A.
"Coherent Dissociation {sup 12}C {yields} 3{alpha} in Emulsion Enriched by Pb; Kogerentnaya dissotsiatsiya {sup 12}C {yields} 3{alpha} pri 4,5 A GehV/c na yadrakh ehmul`sii, obogashchennoj svintsom."
title = {Coherent Dissociation {sup 12}C {yields} 3{alpha} in Emulsion Enriched by Pb; Kogerentnaya dissotsiatsiya {sup 12}C {yields} 3{alpha} pri 4,5 A GehV/c na yadrakh ehmul`sii, obogashchennoj svintsom}
author = {Belaga, V V, Rusakova, V V, Chernov, G M, Benjaza, A A, and Salomov, D A}
abstractNote = {Transverse momentum distributions and correlation characteristics of relativistic {alpha}-particles were studied for the coherent dissociation of carbon nucleus into three alphas at p{sub 0}=4.5 GeV/c in emulsion enriched by Pb. The comparative analysis of the data obtained in usual and enriched by Pb emulsion stacks was made. It was shown that the statistical model of rapid fragmentation doesn`t describe the momentum and correlation characteristics of {alpha}-particles in the rest system of fragmentating carbon nucleus. The decay temperature of {sup 12}C was estimated: it exhibits a weak dependence on target atomic number. It was shown that the fragmentating projectile nucleus acquires the angular momentum during collision. (author). 14 refs., 5 figs., 2 tabs.}
place = {JINR}
year = {1994}
month = {Dec}
title = {Coherent Dissociation {sup 12}C {yields} 3{alpha} in Emulsion Enriched by Pb; Kogerentnaya dissotsiatsiya {sup 12}C {yields} 3{alpha} pri 4,5 A GehV/c na yadrakh ehmul`sii, obogashchennoj svintsom}
author = {Belaga, V V, Rusakova, V V, Chernov, G M, Benjaza, A A, and Salomov, D A}
abstractNote = {Transverse momentum distributions and correlation characteristics of relativistic {alpha}-particles were studied for the coherent dissociation of carbon nucleus into three alphas at p{sub 0}=4.5 GeV/c in emulsion enriched by Pb. The comparative analysis of the data obtained in usual and enriched by Pb emulsion stacks was made. It was shown that the statistical model of rapid fragmentation doesn`t describe the momentum and correlation characteristics of {alpha}-particles in the rest system of fragmentating carbon nucleus. The decay temperature of {sup 12}C was estimated: it exhibits a weak dependence on target atomic number. It was shown that the fragmentating projectile nucleus acquires the angular momentum during collision. (author). 14 refs., 5 figs., 2 tabs.}
place = {JINR}
year = {1994}
month = {Dec}