Identification of 37 samarium-147 resonances by a shape of radiation capture gamma-quanta multiplicity spectra in the energy range 18.3-289.3 eV is made. The measurement results of time spectra of the first seven multiplicity factor obtained with the use of 16-section scintillation gamma-detector at the 502-m path length of the IBR-30 are used as the initial data. 5 refs.; 1 tab.
Grigor`ev, Yu V;
Georgiev, G P;
Yaneva, N B
- Gosudarstvennyj Komitet po Ispol`zovaniyu Atomnoj Ehnergii SSSR, Obninsk (Russian Federation). Fiziko-Ehnergeticheskij Inst.
- Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research, Dubna (Russian Federation)
Citation Formats
Grigor`ev, Yu V, Georgiev, G P, and Yaneva, N B.
Neutron resonance spin determination by the shape of capture gamma-quanta multiplicity spectrum; Opredelenie spina nejtronnykh rezonansov po forme spektra mnozhestvennosti gamma-kvantov zakhvata.
Russian Federation: N. p.,
Grigor`ev, Yu V, Georgiev, G P, & Yaneva, N B.
Neutron resonance spin determination by the shape of capture gamma-quanta multiplicity spectrum; Opredelenie spina nejtronnykh rezonansov po forme spektra mnozhestvennosti gamma-kvantov zakhvata.
Russian Federation.
Grigor`ev, Yu V, Georgiev, G P, and Yaneva, N B.
"Neutron resonance spin determination by the shape of capture gamma-quanta multiplicity spectrum; Opredelenie spina nejtronnykh rezonansov po forme spektra mnozhestvennosti gamma-kvantov zakhvata."
Russian Federation.
title = {Neutron resonance spin determination by the shape of capture gamma-quanta multiplicity spectrum; Opredelenie spina nejtronnykh rezonansov po forme spektra mnozhestvennosti gamma-kvantov zakhvata}
author = {Grigor`ev, Yu V, Georgiev, G P, and Yaneva, N B}
abstractNote = {Identification of 37 samarium-147 resonances by a shape of radiation capture gamma-quanta multiplicity spectra in the energy range 18.3-289.3 eV is made. The measurement results of time spectra of the first seven multiplicity factor obtained with the use of 16-section scintillation gamma-detector at the 502-m path length of the IBR-30 are used as the initial data. 5 refs.; 1 tab.}
place = {Russian Federation}
year = {1992}
month = {Dec}
title = {Neutron resonance spin determination by the shape of capture gamma-quanta multiplicity spectrum; Opredelenie spina nejtronnykh rezonansov po forme spektra mnozhestvennosti gamma-kvantov zakhvata}
author = {Grigor`ev, Yu V, Georgiev, G P, and Yaneva, N B}
abstractNote = {Identification of 37 samarium-147 resonances by a shape of radiation capture gamma-quanta multiplicity spectra in the energy range 18.3-289.3 eV is made. The measurement results of time spectra of the first seven multiplicity factor obtained with the use of 16-section scintillation gamma-detector at the 502-m path length of the IBR-30 are used as the initial data. 5 refs.; 1 tab.}
place = {Russian Federation}
year = {1992}
month = {Dec}