The Koerner-Kuroda model of the electromagnetic structure of octet 1/2{sup +} baryons is restored on a more topical physical basis. Electromagnetic radii of baryons under consideration are calculated and compared with other model predictions. By an incorporation of a two-cut approximation of correct form factor analytic properties and nonzero vector-meson widths, the Koerner-Kuroda model is unitarized, providing in this manner imaginary parts of the octet 1/2{sup +} baryon form factors to be nonzero just starting from a branch point corresponding to the lowest threshold. (author). 32 refs, 16 figs, 2 tabs.
Dubnicka, S;
Dubnickova, A Z;
Kraskiewicz, J;
Raczka, R
- International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste (Italy)
- Comenius Univ., Bratislava (Slovakia). Dept. of Theoretical Physics
- International School of Advanced Studies, Trieste (Italy)
Citation Formats
Dubnicka, S, Dubnickova, A Z, Kraskiewicz, J, and Raczka, R.
Unitarization of Koerner-Kuroda model of electromagnetic structure of octet 1/2{sup +} baryons.
IAEA: N. p.,
Dubnicka, S, Dubnickova, A Z, Kraskiewicz, J, & Raczka, R.
Unitarization of Koerner-Kuroda model of electromagnetic structure of octet 1/2{sup +} baryons.
Dubnicka, S, Dubnickova, A Z, Kraskiewicz, J, and Raczka, R.
"Unitarization of Koerner-Kuroda model of electromagnetic structure of octet 1/2{sup +} baryons."
title = {Unitarization of Koerner-Kuroda model of electromagnetic structure of octet 1/2{sup +} baryons}
author = {Dubnicka, S, Dubnickova, A Z, Kraskiewicz, J, and Raczka, R}
abstractNote = {The Koerner-Kuroda model of the electromagnetic structure of octet 1/2{sup +} baryons is restored on a more topical physical basis. Electromagnetic radii of baryons under consideration are calculated and compared with other model predictions. By an incorporation of a two-cut approximation of correct form factor analytic properties and nonzero vector-meson widths, the Koerner-Kuroda model is unitarized, providing in this manner imaginary parts of the octet 1/2{sup +} baryon form factors to be nonzero just starting from a branch point corresponding to the lowest threshold. (author). 32 refs, 16 figs, 2 tabs.}
place = {IAEA}
year = {1994}
month = {Oct}
title = {Unitarization of Koerner-Kuroda model of electromagnetic structure of octet 1/2{sup +} baryons}
author = {Dubnicka, S, Dubnickova, A Z, Kraskiewicz, J, and Raczka, R}
abstractNote = {The Koerner-Kuroda model of the electromagnetic structure of octet 1/2{sup +} baryons is restored on a more topical physical basis. Electromagnetic radii of baryons under consideration are calculated and compared with other model predictions. By an incorporation of a two-cut approximation of correct form factor analytic properties and nonzero vector-meson widths, the Koerner-Kuroda model is unitarized, providing in this manner imaginary parts of the octet 1/2{sup +} baryon form factors to be nonzero just starting from a branch point corresponding to the lowest threshold. (author). 32 refs, 16 figs, 2 tabs.}
place = {IAEA}
year = {1994}
month = {Oct}