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Oxidation phenomenons of lubricating oils for gasoline engines working at high temperature; Phenomenes d`oxydation des lubrifiants pour moteurs a essence fonctionnant a haute temperature


The objective is to understand the mechanism for the increase of lubricant viscosity and to characterize the products responsible for this phenomenon. With a laboratory oxidation test, we study the resistance to oxidation, the influence of catalyst and the response of stock oils to antioxidants. We note that a stock oil with high amounts of sulfur and carbon aromatics, with antioxidant and catalyst, presents an inferior resistance with regard to other stock oils. Then we characterize, with physico-chemical and fractionation methods, the organic components formed during the oxidation: volatile products, heavy soluble and insoluble products. The polar components in these products are hydroxyl, carbonyl and carboxyl species. Volatile products formed included oxygenated linear components (without sulfur), water and alkanes, as well as oxygenated cyclic components (lactone) and aromatics, present only in mineral oil. The average molecular weight of these products is inferior to that of the stock oil. Species responsible for the increase viscosity are heavy soluble and insoluble products. Soluble products contain sulfur, have 10% oxygen with a molecular weight of about 1000 g/mol; these originate essentially from aromatics oxidation. Insoluble products have a higher molecular weight of around 2000 g/mol, 20% oxygen and a high amount of sulfur.  More>>
Publication Date:
Sep 22, 1993
Product Type:
Report Number:
Reference Number:
SCA: 020500; PA: FRC-94:000623; EDB-94:011721; NTS-94:008163; ERA-19:006095; SN: 94001122944
Resource Relation:
Other Information: TH: These (D. es Sc.); PBD: 22 Sep 1993
Research Organizations:
Institut Francais du Petrole (IFP), 92 - Rueil-Malmaison (France); Paris-6 Univ., 75 (France); Ecole Nationale Superieure du Petrole et des Moteurs (ENSPM), 92 - Rueil-Malmaison (France)
Country of Origin:
Other Identifying Numbers:
Other: ON: DE94728747; TRN: FR9400623
OSTI; NTIS (US Sales Only)
Submitting Site:
150 p.
Announcement Date:
Jun 30, 2005

Citation Formats

Maleville, X. Oxidation phenomenons of lubricating oils for gasoline engines working at high temperature; Phenomenes d`oxydation des lubrifiants pour moteurs a essence fonctionnant a haute temperature. France: N. p., 1993. Web.
Maleville, X. Oxidation phenomenons of lubricating oils for gasoline engines working at high temperature; Phenomenes d`oxydation des lubrifiants pour moteurs a essence fonctionnant a haute temperature. France.
Maleville, X. 1993. "Oxidation phenomenons of lubricating oils for gasoline engines working at high temperature; Phenomenes d`oxydation des lubrifiants pour moteurs a essence fonctionnant a haute temperature." France.
title = {Oxidation phenomenons of lubricating oils for gasoline engines working at high temperature; Phenomenes d`oxydation des lubrifiants pour moteurs a essence fonctionnant a haute temperature}
author = {Maleville, X}
abstractNote = {The objective is to understand the mechanism for the increase of lubricant viscosity and to characterize the products responsible for this phenomenon. With a laboratory oxidation test, we study the resistance to oxidation, the influence of catalyst and the response of stock oils to antioxidants. We note that a stock oil with high amounts of sulfur and carbon aromatics, with antioxidant and catalyst, presents an inferior resistance with regard to other stock oils. Then we characterize, with physico-chemical and fractionation methods, the organic components formed during the oxidation: volatile products, heavy soluble and insoluble products. The polar components in these products are hydroxyl, carbonyl and carboxyl species. Volatile products formed included oxygenated linear components (without sulfur), water and alkanes, as well as oxygenated cyclic components (lactone) and aromatics, present only in mineral oil. The average molecular weight of these products is inferior to that of the stock oil. Species responsible for the increase viscosity are heavy soluble and insoluble products. Soluble products contain sulfur, have 10% oxygen with a molecular weight of about 1000 g/mol; these originate essentially from aromatics oxidation. Insoluble products have a higher molecular weight of around 2000 g/mol, 20% oxygen and a high amount of sulfur. Sulfur and aromatic constituents of stock oil participate sharply in the formation of insoluble products. Eventually, we propose a mechanism for the increase in viscosity with intermolecular chemical interactions, condensation reactions and formation of macromolecules which lose their affinity to the oil and precipitate. Finally, a study of resistance to oxidation of lubricants, formulated with our mineral stock oil having the same additives, in engine tests, confirm ours results that one of the most important parameters in the oxidation stability of mineral lubricants is the resistance to oxidation. (Abstract Truncated)}
place = {France}
year = {1993}
month = {Sep}