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Gas-liquid fixed bed catalytic reactor: Theoretical and experimental comparison of reactor performance in different flow directions; Les reacteurs catalytiques a lit fixe avec ecoulement de gaz et de liquide. Comparaison sur les plans theorique et experimental de la performance du reacteur dans differents sens d`ecoulement


The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of various flow configurations on the performance of a gas-liquid fixed bed catalytic reactor. From a theoretical point of view, the comparison is made on the basis of the different hydrodynamic and mass transfer parameters. A model for this type of reactor has been developed as a tool to determine the way in which each one of these parameters affects the reactor performance. Experimentally, a comparison of the performances obtained with a cocurrent upflow or downflow pilot unit has been done. The selective hydrogenation of butadiene in a C4 cut has been used for this comparison. The obtained selectivity is lower for the downflow than for the upflow arrangement, especially for the lower values of the liquid velocity. It is shown that the degradation in the selectivity is mainly due to problems of liquid distribution across the bed. In the case of trickling flow the problems of liquid distribution are related to the structure of the flow, in which the liquid flows in the form of rivulets with zones of the bed having an imperfect irrigation. A hysteretic behaviour in the cocurrent downflow arrangement has also been observed. (author).
Publication Date:
Sep 01, 1993
Product Type:
Report Number:
Reference Number:
SCA: 020400; PA: FRC-94:000624; EDB-94:011712; NTS-94:008155; ERA-19:006094; SN: 94001122945
Resource Relation:
Other Information: TH: These (D. es Sc.); PBD: Sep 1993
Research Organizations:
Institut Francais du Petrole (IFP), 92 - Rueil-Malmaison (France); Institut National Polytechnique, 54 - Nancy (France)
Country of Origin:
Other Identifying Numbers:
Other: ON: DE94728748; TRN: FR9400624
OSTI; NTIS (US Sales Only)
Submitting Site:
302 p.
Announcement Date:
Jun 30, 2005

Citation Formats

Vergel Hernandez, C A. Gas-liquid fixed bed catalytic reactor: Theoretical and experimental comparison of reactor performance in different flow directions; Les reacteurs catalytiques a lit fixe avec ecoulement de gaz et de liquide. Comparaison sur les plans theorique et experimental de la performance du reacteur dans differents sens d`ecoulement. France: N. p., 1993. Web.
Vergel Hernandez, C A. Gas-liquid fixed bed catalytic reactor: Theoretical and experimental comparison of reactor performance in different flow directions; Les reacteurs catalytiques a lit fixe avec ecoulement de gaz et de liquide. Comparaison sur les plans theorique et experimental de la performance du reacteur dans differents sens d`ecoulement. France.
Vergel Hernandez, C A. 1993. "Gas-liquid fixed bed catalytic reactor: Theoretical and experimental comparison of reactor performance in different flow directions; Les reacteurs catalytiques a lit fixe avec ecoulement de gaz et de liquide. Comparaison sur les plans theorique et experimental de la performance du reacteur dans differents sens d`ecoulement." France.
title = {Gas-liquid fixed bed catalytic reactor: Theoretical and experimental comparison of reactor performance in different flow directions; Les reacteurs catalytiques a lit fixe avec ecoulement de gaz et de liquide. Comparaison sur les plans theorique et experimental de la performance du reacteur dans differents sens d`ecoulement}
author = {Vergel Hernandez, C A}
abstractNote = {The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of various flow configurations on the performance of a gas-liquid fixed bed catalytic reactor. From a theoretical point of view, the comparison is made on the basis of the different hydrodynamic and mass transfer parameters. A model for this type of reactor has been developed as a tool to determine the way in which each one of these parameters affects the reactor performance. Experimentally, a comparison of the performances obtained with a cocurrent upflow or downflow pilot unit has been done. The selective hydrogenation of butadiene in a C4 cut has been used for this comparison. The obtained selectivity is lower for the downflow than for the upflow arrangement, especially for the lower values of the liquid velocity. It is shown that the degradation in the selectivity is mainly due to problems of liquid distribution across the bed. In the case of trickling flow the problems of liquid distribution are related to the structure of the flow, in which the liquid flows in the form of rivulets with zones of the bed having an imperfect irrigation. A hysteretic behaviour in the cocurrent downflow arrangement has also been observed. (author).}
place = {France}
year = {1993}
month = {Sep}