This year is the second year of the Government-sponsored Mid- and Long-Term Nuclear Power Technology Development Project. The scope of this subproject titled on `The Improvement of Level-1 PSA Computer Codes` is divided into three main activities : (1) Methodology development on the under-developed fields such as risk assessment technology for plant shutdown and external events, (2) Computer code package development for Level-1 PSA, (3) Applications of new technologies to reactor safety assessment. At first, in the area of PSA methodology development, foreign PSA reports on shutdown and external events have been reviewed and various PSA methodologies have been compared. Level-1 PSA code KIRAP and CCF analysis code COCOA are converted from KOS to Windows. Human reliability database has been also established in this year. In the area of new technology applications, fuzzy set theory and entropy theory are used to estimate component life and to develop a new measure of uncertainty importance. Finally, in the field of application study of PSA technique to reactor regulation, a strategic study to develop a dynamic risk management tool PEPSI and the determination of inspection and test priority of motor operated valves based on risk importance worths have been studied. (Author).
Park, Chang Kyu;
Kim, Tae Woon;
Ha, Jae Joo;
Han, Sang Hoon;
Cho, Yeong Kyun;
Jeong, Won Dae;
Jang, Seung Cheol;
Choi, Young;
Seong, Tae Yong;
Kang, Dae Il;
Hwang, Mi Jeong;
Choi, Seon Yeong;
An, Kwang Il
- Korea Atomic Energy Res. Inst., Taejon (Korea, Republic of)
Citation Formats
Park, Chang Kyu, Kim, Tae Woon, Ha, Jae Joo, Han, Sang Hoon, Cho, Yeong Kyun, Jeong, Won Dae, Jang, Seung Cheol, Choi, Young, Seong, Tae Yong, Kang, Dae Il, Hwang, Mi Jeong, Choi, Seon Yeong, and An, Kwang Il.
Improvement of Level-1 PSA computer code package -A study for nuclear safety improvement-.
Korea, Republic of: N. p.,
Park, Chang Kyu, Kim, Tae Woon, Ha, Jae Joo, Han, Sang Hoon, Cho, Yeong Kyun, Jeong, Won Dae, Jang, Seung Cheol, Choi, Young, Seong, Tae Yong, Kang, Dae Il, Hwang, Mi Jeong, Choi, Seon Yeong, & An, Kwang Il.
Improvement of Level-1 PSA computer code package -A study for nuclear safety improvement-.
Korea, Republic of.
Park, Chang Kyu, Kim, Tae Woon, Ha, Jae Joo, Han, Sang Hoon, Cho, Yeong Kyun, Jeong, Won Dae, Jang, Seung Cheol, Choi, Young, Seong, Tae Yong, Kang, Dae Il, Hwang, Mi Jeong, Choi, Seon Yeong, and An, Kwang Il.
"Improvement of Level-1 PSA computer code package -A study for nuclear safety improvement-."
Korea, Republic of.
title = {Improvement of Level-1 PSA computer code package -A study for nuclear safety improvement-}
author = {Park, Chang Kyu, Kim, Tae Woon, Ha, Jae Joo, Han, Sang Hoon, Cho, Yeong Kyun, Jeong, Won Dae, Jang, Seung Cheol, Choi, Young, Seong, Tae Yong, Kang, Dae Il, Hwang, Mi Jeong, Choi, Seon Yeong, and An, Kwang Il}
abstractNote = {This year is the second year of the Government-sponsored Mid- and Long-Term Nuclear Power Technology Development Project. The scope of this subproject titled on `The Improvement of Level-1 PSA Computer Codes` is divided into three main activities : (1) Methodology development on the under-developed fields such as risk assessment technology for plant shutdown and external events, (2) Computer code package development for Level-1 PSA, (3) Applications of new technologies to reactor safety assessment. At first, in the area of PSA methodology development, foreign PSA reports on shutdown and external events have been reviewed and various PSA methodologies have been compared. Level-1 PSA code KIRAP and CCF analysis code COCOA are converted from KOS to Windows. Human reliability database has been also established in this year. In the area of new technology applications, fuzzy set theory and entropy theory are used to estimate component life and to develop a new measure of uncertainty importance. Finally, in the field of application study of PSA technique to reactor regulation, a strategic study to develop a dynamic risk management tool PEPSI and the determination of inspection and test priority of motor operated valves based on risk importance worths have been studied. (Author).}
place = {Korea, Republic of}
year = {1994}
month = {Jul}
title = {Improvement of Level-1 PSA computer code package -A study for nuclear safety improvement-}
author = {Park, Chang Kyu, Kim, Tae Woon, Ha, Jae Joo, Han, Sang Hoon, Cho, Yeong Kyun, Jeong, Won Dae, Jang, Seung Cheol, Choi, Young, Seong, Tae Yong, Kang, Dae Il, Hwang, Mi Jeong, Choi, Seon Yeong, and An, Kwang Il}
abstractNote = {This year is the second year of the Government-sponsored Mid- and Long-Term Nuclear Power Technology Development Project. The scope of this subproject titled on `The Improvement of Level-1 PSA Computer Codes` is divided into three main activities : (1) Methodology development on the under-developed fields such as risk assessment technology for plant shutdown and external events, (2) Computer code package development for Level-1 PSA, (3) Applications of new technologies to reactor safety assessment. At first, in the area of PSA methodology development, foreign PSA reports on shutdown and external events have been reviewed and various PSA methodologies have been compared. Level-1 PSA code KIRAP and CCF analysis code COCOA are converted from KOS to Windows. Human reliability database has been also established in this year. In the area of new technology applications, fuzzy set theory and entropy theory are used to estimate component life and to develop a new measure of uncertainty importance. Finally, in the field of application study of PSA technique to reactor regulation, a strategic study to develop a dynamic risk management tool PEPSI and the determination of inspection and test priority of motor operated valves based on risk importance worths have been studied. (Author).}
place = {Korea, Republic of}
year = {1994}
month = {Jul}