The paper presents the results of a thorough analysis of noises in case of cable connection between the detector and amplifier. Equivalent noise charge is calculated for different cable lengths, detector capacitance and pulse length. It is ascertained that in case of higher detector capacitances C{>=}100 p{Phi} equivalent noise charge decreases and later on stops depending on cable length. Transistors with threshold frequency of the order of several GHz shall be used to obtain a good signal/noise ratio. 2 refs., 11 figs., 2 tabs.
Citation Formats
Krasnokutskij, R N, Sushkov, V V, Fedyakin, N N, Chen, M, Tsang, Kh, and Shuvalov, R S.
Cable connection between the detector and low-noise amplifier as an alternative of the radiation-resistant amplifiers; Kabel`naya svyaz` mezhdu detektorom i maloshumyashchim usilitelem kak al`ternativa razrabotke radiatsionno stojkikh usilitelej.
Russian Federation: N. p.,
Krasnokutskij, R N, Sushkov, V V, Fedyakin, N N, Chen, M, Tsang, Kh, & Shuvalov, R S.
Cable connection between the detector and low-noise amplifier as an alternative of the radiation-resistant amplifiers; Kabel`naya svyaz` mezhdu detektorom i maloshumyashchim usilitelem kak al`ternativa razrabotke radiatsionno stojkikh usilitelej.
Russian Federation.
Krasnokutskij, R N, Sushkov, V V, Fedyakin, N N, Chen, M, Tsang, Kh, and Shuvalov, R S.
"Cable connection between the detector and low-noise amplifier as an alternative of the radiation-resistant amplifiers; Kabel`naya svyaz` mezhdu detektorom i maloshumyashchim usilitelem kak al`ternativa razrabotke radiatsionno stojkikh usilitelej."
Russian Federation.
title = {Cable connection between the detector and low-noise amplifier as an alternative of the radiation-resistant amplifiers; Kabel`naya svyaz` mezhdu detektorom i maloshumyashchim usilitelem kak al`ternativa razrabotke radiatsionno stojkikh usilitelej}
author = {Krasnokutskij, R N, Sushkov, V V, Fedyakin, N N, Chen, M, Tsang, Kh, and Shuvalov, R S}
abstractNote = {The paper presents the results of a thorough analysis of noises in case of cable connection between the detector and amplifier. Equivalent noise charge is calculated for different cable lengths, detector capacitance and pulse length. It is ascertained that in case of higher detector capacitances C{>=}100 p{Phi} equivalent noise charge decreases and later on stops depending on cable length. Transistors with threshold frequency of the order of several GHz shall be used to obtain a good signal/noise ratio. 2 refs., 11 figs., 2 tabs.}
place = {Russian Federation}
year = {1992}
month = {Dec}
title = {Cable connection between the detector and low-noise amplifier as an alternative of the radiation-resistant amplifiers; Kabel`naya svyaz` mezhdu detektorom i maloshumyashchim usilitelem kak al`ternativa razrabotke radiatsionno stojkikh usilitelej}
author = {Krasnokutskij, R N, Sushkov, V V, Fedyakin, N N, Chen, M, Tsang, Kh, and Shuvalov, R S}
abstractNote = {The paper presents the results of a thorough analysis of noises in case of cable connection between the detector and amplifier. Equivalent noise charge is calculated for different cable lengths, detector capacitance and pulse length. It is ascertained that in case of higher detector capacitances C{>=}100 p{Phi} equivalent noise charge decreases and later on stops depending on cable length. Transistors with threshold frequency of the order of several GHz shall be used to obtain a good signal/noise ratio. 2 refs., 11 figs., 2 tabs.}
place = {Russian Federation}
year = {1992}
month = {Dec}