By doping the SiO{sub 2}-aerogel with the wavelength shifter POPOP a scintillator with intermediate density between the gas and the solid state has been produced. The emission time and the light output of two samples with different concentration of the doping agent have been investigated. The light pulse shapes of the both samples are well approximated by a sum of two exponents with the decay times 1.4{+-}0.1 ns (58% of total light output) and 5.2{+-}0.4 ns (42%). Under irradiation of 5.5 MeV {alpha}-particles the light output of the sample with smaller wavelength shifter concentration was 30% and that of the sample with larger concentration was 8% of the light output of a plastic scintillator (polystyrene, 2% paraterphenil, 0.2% POPOP). Under irradiation of cosmic rays the light outputs of the samples exceeded the light output of the pure aerogel by 35% and 100% respectively. The obtained data point that the {alpha}/{beta} ratio for both samples is close to 1. (author). 10 refs., 9 figs., 1 tab.
Bojko, I R;
Ignatenko, M A;
Esenak, K;
Kuhta, L;
Ruzicka, J;
Fainor, V
- Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research, Dubna (Russian Federation). Lab. of Nuclear Problems
- Komenskeho Univ., Bratislava (Slovakia)
Citation Formats
Bojko, I R, Ignatenko, M A, Esenak, K, Kuhta, L, Ruzicka, J, and Fainor, V.
Scintillator Based on SiO{sub 2}-Aerogel; Stsintillyator na osnove SIO{sub 2}-aehrogelya.
JINR: N. p.,
Bojko, I R, Ignatenko, M A, Esenak, K, Kuhta, L, Ruzicka, J, & Fainor, V.
Scintillator Based on SiO{sub 2}-Aerogel; Stsintillyator na osnove SIO{sub 2}-aehrogelya.
Bojko, I R, Ignatenko, M A, Esenak, K, Kuhta, L, Ruzicka, J, and Fainor, V.
"Scintillator Based on SiO{sub 2}-Aerogel; Stsintillyator na osnove SIO{sub 2}-aehrogelya."
title = {Scintillator Based on SiO{sub 2}-Aerogel; Stsintillyator na osnove SIO{sub 2}-aehrogelya}
author = {Bojko, I R, Ignatenko, M A, Esenak, K, Kuhta, L, Ruzicka, J, and Fainor, V}
abstractNote = {By doping the SiO{sub 2}-aerogel with the wavelength shifter POPOP a scintillator with intermediate density between the gas and the solid state has been produced. The emission time and the light output of two samples with different concentration of the doping agent have been investigated. The light pulse shapes of the both samples are well approximated by a sum of two exponents with the decay times 1.4{+-}0.1 ns (58% of total light output) and 5.2{+-}0.4 ns (42%). Under irradiation of 5.5 MeV {alpha}-particles the light output of the sample with smaller wavelength shifter concentration was 30% and that of the sample with larger concentration was 8% of the light output of a plastic scintillator (polystyrene, 2% paraterphenil, 0.2% POPOP). Under irradiation of cosmic rays the light outputs of the samples exceeded the light output of the pure aerogel by 35% and 100% respectively. The obtained data point that the {alpha}/{beta} ratio for both samples is close to 1. (author). 10 refs., 9 figs., 1 tab.}
place = {JINR}
year = {1994}
month = {Dec}
title = {Scintillator Based on SiO{sub 2}-Aerogel; Stsintillyator na osnove SIO{sub 2}-aehrogelya}
author = {Bojko, I R, Ignatenko, M A, Esenak, K, Kuhta, L, Ruzicka, J, and Fainor, V}
abstractNote = {By doping the SiO{sub 2}-aerogel with the wavelength shifter POPOP a scintillator with intermediate density between the gas and the solid state has been produced. The emission time and the light output of two samples with different concentration of the doping agent have been investigated. The light pulse shapes of the both samples are well approximated by a sum of two exponents with the decay times 1.4{+-}0.1 ns (58% of total light output) and 5.2{+-}0.4 ns (42%). Under irradiation of 5.5 MeV {alpha}-particles the light output of the sample with smaller wavelength shifter concentration was 30% and that of the sample with larger concentration was 8% of the light output of a plastic scintillator (polystyrene, 2% paraterphenil, 0.2% POPOP). Under irradiation of cosmic rays the light outputs of the samples exceeded the light output of the pure aerogel by 35% and 100% respectively. The obtained data point that the {alpha}/{beta} ratio for both samples is close to 1. (author). 10 refs., 9 figs., 1 tab.}
place = {JINR}
year = {1994}
month = {Dec}