Charged particle ({pi} - k) separation in the momentum range 0.5 - 0.7 GeV/c using a new method of shape analysis of the signal from a liquid krypton (L Kr) ionization chamber has been experimentally studied. The detector has been exposed to pions and protons at T11 test beam at the CERN PS. The shape of the preamplifier output signal was recorded by a waveform digitizer, then it was doubly `differentiated` to obtain few measurements of dE/d x inside a 2 cm gap. This permits an increase of the boundary momentum of 2 {sigma} separation from 0.6 GeV/c to 0.68 GeV/c. The comparison with the Monte Carlo result shows good agreement. (author). 11 refs.; 9 figs.
Cantoni, P;
Frabetti, P L;
Stagni, L
- Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Bologna (Italy); and others
Citation Formats
Cantoni, P, Frabetti, P L, and Stagni, L.
Experimental Study of Particle Separation in a L Kr Ionization Chamber by Multiple Measuring of dE/d x Using the Shape Analysis of Signal.
JINR: N. p.,
Cantoni, P, Frabetti, P L, & Stagni, L.
Experimental Study of Particle Separation in a L Kr Ionization Chamber by Multiple Measuring of dE/d x Using the Shape Analysis of Signal.
Cantoni, P, Frabetti, P L, and Stagni, L.
"Experimental Study of Particle Separation in a L Kr Ionization Chamber by Multiple Measuring of dE/d x Using the Shape Analysis of Signal."
title = {Experimental Study of Particle Separation in a L Kr Ionization Chamber by Multiple Measuring of dE/d x Using the Shape Analysis of Signal}
author = {Cantoni, P, Frabetti, P L, and Stagni, L}
abstractNote = {Charged particle ({pi} - k) separation in the momentum range 0.5 - 0.7 GeV/c using a new method of shape analysis of the signal from a liquid krypton (L Kr) ionization chamber has been experimentally studied. The detector has been exposed to pions and protons at T11 test beam at the CERN PS. The shape of the preamplifier output signal was recorded by a waveform digitizer, then it was doubly `differentiated` to obtain few measurements of dE/d x inside a 2 cm gap. This permits an increase of the boundary momentum of 2 {sigma} separation from 0.6 GeV/c to 0.68 GeV/c. The comparison with the Monte Carlo result shows good agreement. (author). 11 refs.; 9 figs.}
place = {JINR}
year = {1994}
month = {Dec}
title = {Experimental Study of Particle Separation in a L Kr Ionization Chamber by Multiple Measuring of dE/d x Using the Shape Analysis of Signal}
author = {Cantoni, P, Frabetti, P L, and Stagni, L}
abstractNote = {Charged particle ({pi} - k) separation in the momentum range 0.5 - 0.7 GeV/c using a new method of shape analysis of the signal from a liquid krypton (L Kr) ionization chamber has been experimentally studied. The detector has been exposed to pions and protons at T11 test beam at the CERN PS. The shape of the preamplifier output signal was recorded by a waveform digitizer, then it was doubly `differentiated` to obtain few measurements of dE/d x inside a 2 cm gap. This permits an increase of the boundary momentum of 2 {sigma} separation from 0.6 GeV/c to 0.68 GeV/c. The comparison with the Monte Carlo result shows good agreement. (author). 11 refs.; 9 figs.}
place = {JINR}
year = {1994}
month = {Dec}