In order to practically use the acornic acid process for treating heavy metal contained wastewater, the pilot plant of 2.4 ton (wastewater)/day capacity was designed, constructed and operated. An electroplating wastewater originated from a company was treated with NaOH, acornic acid (60 ppm) and salt (1000 ppm) in this pilot plant. The COD, Cr, Fe and Zn cocentrations of treated water were 123, 0.08, 0.05 and 0.08 ppm, respectively. These values were all satisfied with the legal effluent limits. (Author).
Yoon, Myung Hwan;
Chang, In Soon;
Park, Jang Jin;
Lee, Yoon Hwan;
Shin, Jin Myung
- Korea Atomic Energy Res. Inst., Taejon (Korea, Republic of)
Citation Formats
Yoon, Myung Hwan, Chang, In Soon, Park, Jang Jin, Lee, Yoon Hwan, and Shin, Jin Myung.
A study on the treatment of industrial wastewater containing heavy metals.
Korea, Republic of: N. p.,
Yoon, Myung Hwan, Chang, In Soon, Park, Jang Jin, Lee, Yoon Hwan, & Shin, Jin Myung.
A study on the treatment of industrial wastewater containing heavy metals.
Korea, Republic of.
Yoon, Myung Hwan, Chang, In Soon, Park, Jang Jin, Lee, Yoon Hwan, and Shin, Jin Myung.
"A study on the treatment of industrial wastewater containing heavy metals."
Korea, Republic of.
title = {A study on the treatment of industrial wastewater containing heavy metals}
author = {Yoon, Myung Hwan, Chang, In Soon, Park, Jang Jin, Lee, Yoon Hwan, and Shin, Jin Myung}
abstractNote = {In order to practically use the acornic acid process for treating heavy metal contained wastewater, the pilot plant of 2.4 ton (wastewater)/day capacity was designed, constructed and operated. An electroplating wastewater originated from a company was treated with NaOH, acornic acid (60 ppm) and salt (1000 ppm) in this pilot plant. The COD, Cr, Fe and Zn cocentrations of treated water were 123, 0.08, 0.05 and 0.08 ppm, respectively. These values were all satisfied with the legal effluent limits. (Author).}
place = {Korea, Republic of}
year = {1994}
month = {Aug}
title = {A study on the treatment of industrial wastewater containing heavy metals}
author = {Yoon, Myung Hwan, Chang, In Soon, Park, Jang Jin, Lee, Yoon Hwan, and Shin, Jin Myung}
abstractNote = {In order to practically use the acornic acid process for treating heavy metal contained wastewater, the pilot plant of 2.4 ton (wastewater)/day capacity was designed, constructed and operated. An electroplating wastewater originated from a company was treated with NaOH, acornic acid (60 ppm) and salt (1000 ppm) in this pilot plant. The COD, Cr, Fe and Zn cocentrations of treated water were 123, 0.08, 0.05 and 0.08 ppm, respectively. These values were all satisfied with the legal effluent limits. (Author).}
place = {Korea, Republic of}
year = {1994}
month = {Aug}