The design of an asymmetric anti-Compton shield for BGO and NaI(Tl) crystals is described. Its dimensions have been optimized by means of Monte Carlo calculations over the range of incident gamma-ray energies between 0.2 MeV and 3.5 MeV. Monte Carlo method takes into account photoelectric absorption of {gamma}-rays, Compton scattering and pair production. The suppression factor of the continuous {sup 60} Co spectrum for the BGO and NaI(Tl) crystals of different dimensions is calculated for anti-Compton shield. (author). 25 refs., 9 figs., 2 tabs.
Adam, J;
Blazek, K;
Maly, P;
Honusek, M
- Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research, Dubna (Russian Federation). Lab. of Nuclear Problems
- Ceskoslovenska Akademie Ved, Rez (Czech Republic). Ustav Jaderne Fyziky
- Monokrystaly, Turnov (Czech Republic)
Citation Formats
Adam, J, Blazek, K, Maly, P, and Honusek, M.
Design (Ge-BGO+NaI(Tl)) of Anti-Compton Spectrometer; Raschet antikomptonovskogo (Ge-BGO+NaI(Tl))-spectrometra. (Proekt pribora).
JINR: N. p.,
Adam, J, Blazek, K, Maly, P, & Honusek, M.
Design (Ge-BGO+NaI(Tl)) of Anti-Compton Spectrometer; Raschet antikomptonovskogo (Ge-BGO+NaI(Tl))-spectrometra. (Proekt pribora).
Adam, J, Blazek, K, Maly, P, and Honusek, M.
"Design (Ge-BGO+NaI(Tl)) of Anti-Compton Spectrometer; Raschet antikomptonovskogo (Ge-BGO+NaI(Tl))-spectrometra. (Proekt pribora)."
title = {Design (Ge-BGO+NaI(Tl)) of Anti-Compton Spectrometer; Raschet antikomptonovskogo (Ge-BGO+NaI(Tl))-spectrometra. (Proekt pribora)}
author = {Adam, J, Blazek, K, Maly, P, and Honusek, M}
abstractNote = {The design of an asymmetric anti-Compton shield for BGO and NaI(Tl) crystals is described. Its dimensions have been optimized by means of Monte Carlo calculations over the range of incident gamma-ray energies between 0.2 MeV and 3.5 MeV. Monte Carlo method takes into account photoelectric absorption of {gamma}-rays, Compton scattering and pair production. The suppression factor of the continuous {sup 60} Co spectrum for the BGO and NaI(Tl) crystals of different dimensions is calculated for anti-Compton shield. (author). 25 refs., 9 figs., 2 tabs.}
place = {JINR}
year = {1994}
month = {Dec}
title = {Design (Ge-BGO+NaI(Tl)) of Anti-Compton Spectrometer; Raschet antikomptonovskogo (Ge-BGO+NaI(Tl))-spectrometra. (Proekt pribora)}
author = {Adam, J, Blazek, K, Maly, P, and Honusek, M}
abstractNote = {The design of an asymmetric anti-Compton shield for BGO and NaI(Tl) crystals is described. Its dimensions have been optimized by means of Monte Carlo calculations over the range of incident gamma-ray energies between 0.2 MeV and 3.5 MeV. Monte Carlo method takes into account photoelectric absorption of {gamma}-rays, Compton scattering and pair production. The suppression factor of the continuous {sup 60} Co spectrum for the BGO and NaI(Tl) crystals of different dimensions is calculated for anti-Compton shield. (author). 25 refs., 9 figs., 2 tabs.}
place = {JINR}
year = {1994}
month = {Dec}