The aim of Bioenergy Research Programme is to increase the use of economically profitable and environmentally-sound bioenergy by improving the competitiveness of present peat and wood fuels. Research and development projects will also develop new economically competitive biofuels and new equipment and methods for production, handling and using of biofuels. The main goals of the Bioenergy Research Programme are: - to develop new production methods for wood and peat fuels in order to decrease the production costs to the level of imported fuels - to develop and demonstrate 3-4 new equipment or methods for handling and use of biofuels. The equipment and/or methods should provide economically competitive and environmentally sound energy production - to demonstrate at least 3-4 large scale biofuel using plants. - the aim of the biomass conversion research is to create 2-3 new methods to be further developed within industry. The most important area of investigation within research on wood fuel production is the development of various methods, machines and systems connected to this area, in order to produce economically competitive fuel. Integrated harvesting appears to have the most promising potential in this area. The central research focuses in peat production-research are the utilisation of all the
Asplund, D;
Malinen, H
- Technical Research Centre of Finland, Jyvaeskylae (Finland). Combustion and Thermal Engineering Lab.
Citation Formats
Asplund, D, and Malinen, H.
BIOENERGIA - Bioenergy. Master plan for an energy technology research programme 1993-1998.
Finland: N. p.,
Asplund, D, & Malinen, H.
BIOENERGIA - Bioenergy. Master plan for an energy technology research programme 1993-1998.
Asplund, D, and Malinen, H.
"BIOENERGIA - Bioenergy. Master plan for an energy technology research programme 1993-1998."
title = {BIOENERGIA - Bioenergy. Master plan for an energy technology research programme 1993-1998}
author = {Asplund, D, and Malinen, H}
abstractNote = {The aim of Bioenergy Research Programme is to increase the use of economically profitable and environmentally-sound bioenergy by improving the competitiveness of present peat and wood fuels. Research and development projects will also develop new economically competitive biofuels and new equipment and methods for production, handling and using of biofuels. The main goals of the Bioenergy Research Programme are: - to develop new production methods for wood and peat fuels in order to decrease the production costs to the level of imported fuels - to develop and demonstrate 3-4 new equipment or methods for handling and use of biofuels. The equipment and/or methods should provide economically competitive and environmentally sound energy production - to demonstrate at least 3-4 large scale biofuel using plants. - the aim of the biomass conversion research is to create 2-3 new methods to be further developed within industry. The most important area of investigation within research on wood fuel production is the development of various methods, machines and systems connected to this area, in order to produce economically competitive fuel. Integrated harvesting appears to have the most promising potential in this area. The central research focuses in peat production-research are the utilisation of all the peat available in a bog and the development of peat production methods and machines. Development work in this area aims at decreasing production costs and also environmental load around the peat production sites. In the long term, the increase of bioenergy in the space heating of small houses and farms, as well as in the production of heat and electricity are the central areas in the use of bioenergy-research. The research into the conversion of fuels is concentrated on the production of biomass-based liquid fuels}
place = {Finland}
year = {1993}
month = {Oct}
title = {BIOENERGIA - Bioenergy. Master plan for an energy technology research programme 1993-1998}
author = {Asplund, D, and Malinen, H}
abstractNote = {The aim of Bioenergy Research Programme is to increase the use of economically profitable and environmentally-sound bioenergy by improving the competitiveness of present peat and wood fuels. Research and development projects will also develop new economically competitive biofuels and new equipment and methods for production, handling and using of biofuels. The main goals of the Bioenergy Research Programme are: - to develop new production methods for wood and peat fuels in order to decrease the production costs to the level of imported fuels - to develop and demonstrate 3-4 new equipment or methods for handling and use of biofuels. The equipment and/or methods should provide economically competitive and environmentally sound energy production - to demonstrate at least 3-4 large scale biofuel using plants. - the aim of the biomass conversion research is to create 2-3 new methods to be further developed within industry. The most important area of investigation within research on wood fuel production is the development of various methods, machines and systems connected to this area, in order to produce economically competitive fuel. Integrated harvesting appears to have the most promising potential in this area. The central research focuses in peat production-research are the utilisation of all the peat available in a bog and the development of peat production methods and machines. Development work in this area aims at decreasing production costs and also environmental load around the peat production sites. In the long term, the increase of bioenergy in the space heating of small houses and farms, as well as in the production of heat and electricity are the central areas in the use of bioenergy-research. The research into the conversion of fuels is concentrated on the production of biomass-based liquid fuels}
place = {Finland}
year = {1993}
month = {Oct}