The authors present the analytic two-loop perturbative QCD corrections in the leading twist approximation to the coefficient functions of the operator product expansion for the second to tenth moments of the nonsinglet and singlet deep inelastic structure functions F{sub 2} and F{sub L}. (author). 22 refs.
Larin, S A;
Vermaseren, J A.M.
- Nationaal Inst. voor Kernfysica en Hoge-Energiefysica (NIKHEF), Amsterdam (Netherlands). Sectie H
Citation Formats
Larin, S A, and Vermaseren, J A.M.
Two-loop QCD corrections to the coefficient functions of the deep inelastic structure functions F{sub 2} and F{sub L}.
Netherlands: N. p.,
Larin, S A, & Vermaseren, J A.M.
Two-loop QCD corrections to the coefficient functions of the deep inelastic structure functions F{sub 2} and F{sub L}.
Larin, S A, and Vermaseren, J A.M.
"Two-loop QCD corrections to the coefficient functions of the deep inelastic structure functions F{sub 2} and F{sub L}."
title = {Two-loop QCD corrections to the coefficient functions of the deep inelastic structure functions F{sub 2} and F{sub L}}
author = {Larin, S A, and Vermaseren, J A.M.}
abstractNote = {The authors present the analytic two-loop perturbative QCD corrections in the leading twist approximation to the coefficient functions of the operator product expansion for the second to tenth moments of the nonsinglet and singlet deep inelastic structure functions F{sub 2} and F{sub L}. (author). 22 refs.}
place = {Netherlands}
year = {1991}
month = {Dec}
title = {Two-loop QCD corrections to the coefficient functions of the deep inelastic structure functions F{sub 2} and F{sub L}}
author = {Larin, S A, and Vermaseren, J A.M.}
abstractNote = {The authors present the analytic two-loop perturbative QCD corrections in the leading twist approximation to the coefficient functions of the operator product expansion for the second to tenth moments of the nonsinglet and singlet deep inelastic structure functions F{sub 2} and F{sub L}. (author). 22 refs.}
place = {Netherlands}
year = {1991}
month = {Dec}