A study is made of the rescattering phenomenon in the deuteron by means of the analysis of {nu}/{nu}-bar-d interactions. Values are presented of the rescattering fraction in dependence on various para-meters. The charged and negative hadron multiplicities of rescatter and non-rescatter events are evaluated. A special study is made of strange particle events. Production rates of specific particles (e.g. negative, strange) are compared for rescattering and non-rescattering reactions in their dependence on rapidity. The rescattering data are analyzed in the framework of the formation time formalism. The proper time of hadronization T{sub f} is evaluated to be {approx}0.5 fm/c. The authors` analysis of {nu}d scattering is directly relevant to the issue of the quark-gluon plasma formation in heavy-ion collisions. Some differences between the neutrino and hadron induced rescatters in a deuteron can be attributed to the constituent quark structure of nucleons. The observed enhancement of {Lambda} production in the rescatter events suggests that hadronic reinteraction mechanisms may obscure strangeness enhancement as a signature of the quark-gluon plasma formation in the heavy-ion collisions. The possible reduction of formation time in low multiplicity events is discussed. (author). 40 refs.; 8 figs.; 3 tabs.
Tenner, A G;
Nikolaev, N N
- Nationaal Inst. voor Kernfysica en Hoge-Energiefysica (NIKHEF), Amsterdam (Netherlands). Sectie H
- ISI Foundation, Torino (Italy). European Branch of the L.D. Landau Institute
Citation Formats
Tenner, A G, and Nikolaev, N N.
Rescattering in {nu}/{nu}-bar-deuteron reactions.
Netherlands: N. p.,
Tenner, A G, & Nikolaev, N N.
Rescattering in {nu}/{nu}-bar-deuteron reactions.
Tenner, A G, and Nikolaev, N N.
"Rescattering in {nu}/{nu}-bar-deuteron reactions."
title = {Rescattering in {nu}/{nu}-bar-deuteron reactions}
author = {Tenner, A G, and Nikolaev, N N}
abstractNote = {A study is made of the rescattering phenomenon in the deuteron by means of the analysis of {nu}/{nu}-bar-d interactions. Values are presented of the rescattering fraction in dependence on various para-meters. The charged and negative hadron multiplicities of rescatter and non-rescatter events are evaluated. A special study is made of strange particle events. Production rates of specific particles (e.g. negative, strange) are compared for rescattering and non-rescattering reactions in their dependence on rapidity. The rescattering data are analyzed in the framework of the formation time formalism. The proper time of hadronization T{sub f} is evaluated to be {approx}0.5 fm/c. The authors` analysis of {nu}d scattering is directly relevant to the issue of the quark-gluon plasma formation in heavy-ion collisions. Some differences between the neutrino and hadron induced rescatters in a deuteron can be attributed to the constituent quark structure of nucleons. The observed enhancement of {Lambda} production in the rescatter events suggests that hadronic reinteraction mechanisms may obscure strangeness enhancement as a signature of the quark-gluon plasma formation in the heavy-ion collisions. The possible reduction of formation time in low multiplicity events is discussed. (author). 40 refs.; 8 figs.; 3 tabs.}
place = {Netherlands}
year = {1991}
month = {Aug}
title = {Rescattering in {nu}/{nu}-bar-deuteron reactions}
author = {Tenner, A G, and Nikolaev, N N}
abstractNote = {A study is made of the rescattering phenomenon in the deuteron by means of the analysis of {nu}/{nu}-bar-d interactions. Values are presented of the rescattering fraction in dependence on various para-meters. The charged and negative hadron multiplicities of rescatter and non-rescatter events are evaluated. A special study is made of strange particle events. Production rates of specific particles (e.g. negative, strange) are compared for rescattering and non-rescattering reactions in their dependence on rapidity. The rescattering data are analyzed in the framework of the formation time formalism. The proper time of hadronization T{sub f} is evaluated to be {approx}0.5 fm/c. The authors` analysis of {nu}d scattering is directly relevant to the issue of the quark-gluon plasma formation in heavy-ion collisions. Some differences between the neutrino and hadron induced rescatters in a deuteron can be attributed to the constituent quark structure of nucleons. The observed enhancement of {Lambda} production in the rescatter events suggests that hadronic reinteraction mechanisms may obscure strangeness enhancement as a signature of the quark-gluon plasma formation in the heavy-ion collisions. The possible reduction of formation time in low multiplicity events is discussed. (author). 40 refs.; 8 figs.; 3 tabs.}
place = {Netherlands}
year = {1991}
month = {Aug}