This article describes measurements of the electron drift and diffusion parameters in gas mixtures, suited for application in a micro-strip gas counter. The aims were to optimize for position resolution, detection efficiency and response time. The measurements were done in mixtures of Ar, CF{sub 4}, C{sub 2}H{sub 6}, Xe, CO{sub 2} and DME using a pulsed UV laser beam. Results are reported from tests in a particle beam for efficiency and position resolution of the counter using the two gases found to be most promising in the laser tests. (author). 6 refs.; 15 figs.; 1 tab.
Geijsberts, M;
Hartjes, F G;
Pannekoek, J G;
Schmitz, J;
Udo, F
- Nationaal Inst. voor Kernfysica en Hoge-Energiefysica (NIKHEF), Amsterdam (Netherlands). Sectie H
Citation Formats
Geijsberts, M, Hartjes, F G, Pannekoek, J G, Schmitz, J, and Udo, F.
Tests of the performance of different gas mixtures in microstrip gas counters.
Netherlands: N. p.,
Geijsberts, M, Hartjes, F G, Pannekoek, J G, Schmitz, J, & Udo, F.
Tests of the performance of different gas mixtures in microstrip gas counters.
Geijsberts, M, Hartjes, F G, Pannekoek, J G, Schmitz, J, and Udo, F.
"Tests of the performance of different gas mixtures in microstrip gas counters."
title = {Tests of the performance of different gas mixtures in microstrip gas counters}
author = {Geijsberts, M, Hartjes, F G, Pannekoek, J G, Schmitz, J, and Udo, F}
abstractNote = {This article describes measurements of the electron drift and diffusion parameters in gas mixtures, suited for application in a micro-strip gas counter. The aims were to optimize for position resolution, detection efficiency and response time. The measurements were done in mixtures of Ar, CF{sub 4}, C{sub 2}H{sub 6}, Xe, CO{sub 2} and DME using a pulsed UV laser beam. Results are reported from tests in a particle beam for efficiency and position resolution of the counter using the two gases found to be most promising in the laser tests. (author). 6 refs.; 15 figs.; 1 tab.}
place = {Netherlands}
year = {1991}
month = {Sep}
title = {Tests of the performance of different gas mixtures in microstrip gas counters}
author = {Geijsberts, M, Hartjes, F G, Pannekoek, J G, Schmitz, J, and Udo, F}
abstractNote = {This article describes measurements of the electron drift and diffusion parameters in gas mixtures, suited for application in a micro-strip gas counter. The aims were to optimize for position resolution, detection efficiency and response time. The measurements were done in mixtures of Ar, CF{sub 4}, C{sub 2}H{sub 6}, Xe, CO{sub 2} and DME using a pulsed UV laser beam. Results are reported from tests in a particle beam for efficiency and position resolution of the counter using the two gases found to be most promising in the laser tests. (author). 6 refs.; 15 figs.; 1 tab.}
place = {Netherlands}
year = {1991}
month = {Sep}