A novel design is presented for a gas avalanche chamber with micro-strip gas readout. While existing gaseous microstrip detectors (Micro-strip Gas Counters, Knife edge chambers) have a minimum anode pitch of the order of 100 {mu}m, the pitch of the discussed Micro Trench Gas Counter goes down to 30-50 {mu}m. This leads to a better position resolution and two track separation, and a higher radiation resistivity. Its efficiency and signal speed are expected to be the same as the Microstrip Gas Counter. The energy resolution of the device is expected to be equal to or better than 10 percent for the {sup 55}Fe peak. Since the anode strip dimensions are larger than those in a MSGC, the device may be not as sensitive to discharges and mechanical damage. In this report production of the device is briefly described, and predictions on its operation are made based on electric field calculations and experience with the Microstrip Gas Counter. The authors restrict themselves to the application in High Energy Physics. (author). 10 refs.; 9 figs.
Schmitz, J
- Nationaal Inst. voor Kernfysica en Hoge-Energiefysica (NIKHEF), Amsterdam (Netherlands). Sectie H
Citation Formats
Schmitz, J.
The Micro Trench Gas Counter. A novel approach to high luminosity tracking in HEP.
Netherlands: N. p.,
Schmitz, J.
The Micro Trench Gas Counter. A novel approach to high luminosity tracking in HEP.
Schmitz, J.
"The Micro Trench Gas Counter. A novel approach to high luminosity tracking in HEP."
title = {The Micro Trench Gas Counter. A novel approach to high luminosity tracking in HEP}
author = {Schmitz, J}
abstractNote = {A novel design is presented for a gas avalanche chamber with micro-strip gas readout. While existing gaseous microstrip detectors (Micro-strip Gas Counters, Knife edge chambers) have a minimum anode pitch of the order of 100 {mu}m, the pitch of the discussed Micro Trench Gas Counter goes down to 30-50 {mu}m. This leads to a better position resolution and two track separation, and a higher radiation resistivity. Its efficiency and signal speed are expected to be the same as the Microstrip Gas Counter. The energy resolution of the device is expected to be equal to or better than 10 percent for the {sup 55}Fe peak. Since the anode strip dimensions are larger than those in a MSGC, the device may be not as sensitive to discharges and mechanical damage. In this report production of the device is briefly described, and predictions on its operation are made based on electric field calculations and experience with the Microstrip Gas Counter. The authors restrict themselves to the application in High Energy Physics. (author). 10 refs.; 9 figs.}
place = {Netherlands}
year = {1991}
month = {Jul}
title = {The Micro Trench Gas Counter. A novel approach to high luminosity tracking in HEP}
author = {Schmitz, J}
abstractNote = {A novel design is presented for a gas avalanche chamber with micro-strip gas readout. While existing gaseous microstrip detectors (Micro-strip Gas Counters, Knife edge chambers) have a minimum anode pitch of the order of 100 {mu}m, the pitch of the discussed Micro Trench Gas Counter goes down to 30-50 {mu}m. This leads to a better position resolution and two track separation, and a higher radiation resistivity. Its efficiency and signal speed are expected to be the same as the Microstrip Gas Counter. The energy resolution of the device is expected to be equal to or better than 10 percent for the {sup 55}Fe peak. Since the anode strip dimensions are larger than those in a MSGC, the device may be not as sensitive to discharges and mechanical damage. In this report production of the device is briefly described, and predictions on its operation are made based on electric field calculations and experience with the Microstrip Gas Counter. The authors restrict themselves to the application in High Energy Physics. (author). 10 refs.; 9 figs.}
place = {Netherlands}
year = {1991}
month = {Jul}