An experiment was carried out to characterize the erosion products found in the JET vessel after the first tritium experiment. These products were analyzed for carbon, beryllium, Inconel metals and tritium. All these elements were present in airborne particles or deposited dust. The tritium was found as tritiated water vapour, and also strongly associated to the suspended or deposited particles. It was more abundant in fine than in coarse particles. The particulate tritium seems to be almost entirely `insoluble` in a water solution.
Charuau, J;
Belot, Y;
Cetier, P;
Drezet, L;
Grivaud, L;
Peacock, A T;
Wu, C H
- CEA Centre d`Etudes de Fontenay-aux-Roses, 92 (France). Dept. de Protection de l`Environnement et des Installations
- Commission of the European Communities, Abingdon (United Kingdom). JET Joint Undertaking
- Max-Planck-Institut fuer Plasmaphysik, Garching (Germany)
Citation Formats
Charuau, J, Belot, Y, Cetier, P, Drezet, L, Grivaud, L, Peacock, A T, and Wu, C H.
Characterization of erosion dust and tritiated products inside the jet vessel after the first tritium experiment.
France: N. p.,
Charuau, J, Belot, Y, Cetier, P, Drezet, L, Grivaud, L, Peacock, A T, & Wu, C H.
Characterization of erosion dust and tritiated products inside the jet vessel after the first tritium experiment.
Charuau, J, Belot, Y, Cetier, P, Drezet, L, Grivaud, L, Peacock, A T, and Wu, C H.
"Characterization of erosion dust and tritiated products inside the jet vessel after the first tritium experiment."
title = {Characterization of erosion dust and tritiated products inside the jet vessel after the first tritium experiment}
author = {Charuau, J, Belot, Y, Cetier, P, Drezet, L, Grivaud, L, Peacock, A T, and Wu, C H}
abstractNote = {An experiment was carried out to characterize the erosion products found in the JET vessel after the first tritium experiment. These products were analyzed for carbon, beryllium, Inconel metals and tritium. All these elements were present in airborne particles or deposited dust. The tritium was found as tritiated water vapour, and also strongly associated to the suspended or deposited particles. It was more abundant in fine than in coarse particles. The particulate tritium seems to be almost entirely `insoluble` in a water solution.}
place = {France}
year = {1992}
month = {Dec}
title = {Characterization of erosion dust and tritiated products inside the jet vessel after the first tritium experiment}
author = {Charuau, J, Belot, Y, Cetier, P, Drezet, L, Grivaud, L, Peacock, A T, and Wu, C H}
abstractNote = {An experiment was carried out to characterize the erosion products found in the JET vessel after the first tritium experiment. These products were analyzed for carbon, beryllium, Inconel metals and tritium. All these elements were present in airborne particles or deposited dust. The tritium was found as tritiated water vapour, and also strongly associated to the suspended or deposited particles. It was more abundant in fine than in coarse particles. The particulate tritium seems to be almost entirely `insoluble` in a water solution.}
place = {France}
year = {1992}
month = {Dec}