Three large break LOCA calculations for Sizewell B using TRAC-PF1/MOD1 have been performed. They are: base case, post-dryout heat transfer x 0.5, condensation Stanton number x 0.1. The reduction in post-dryout heat transfer (PDHT) is based on TRAC analysis of LTSF high pressure reflood experiments, PDHT experiments at Winfrith and Harwell and the Winfrith ACHILLES experiment. The reduction in condensation is based on TRAC analysis of refill experiments in a scaled rig at Strathclyde University and comparisons with experimental data in the TRAC models and correlations document. The base case and reduced heat transfer case were compared with other similar calculations. The results were consistent, difference being accounted for qualitatively. The three cases were compared with one another. The resulting peak clad temperatures were: base case: 963 K, post-dryout heat transfer x 0.5: 1113 K, condensation Stanton number x 0.1: 1003 K. The reduction in post-dryout heat transfer worsens cooling during blowdown, increasing the second blowdown peak clad temperature. This higher temperature persists and the reduction in heat transfer further increases the maximum rod temperature, compared with the base case, during reflood. The reduction in condensation reduced the oscillations in core flow during the first 40 seconds of reflood. This
Citation Formats
Coddington, P, and Wickett, A J.
Advanced LOCA code uncertainty assessment: preliminary calculations for Westinghouse 4 loop PWR.
Switzerland: N. p.,
Coddington, P, & Wickett, A J.
Advanced LOCA code uncertainty assessment: preliminary calculations for Westinghouse 4 loop PWR.
Coddington, P, and Wickett, A J.
"Advanced LOCA code uncertainty assessment: preliminary calculations for Westinghouse 4 loop PWR."
title = {Advanced LOCA code uncertainty assessment: preliminary calculations for Westinghouse 4 loop PWR}
author = {Coddington, P, and Wickett, A J}
abstractNote = {Three large break LOCA calculations for Sizewell B using TRAC-PF1/MOD1 have been performed. They are: base case, post-dryout heat transfer x 0.5, condensation Stanton number x 0.1. The reduction in post-dryout heat transfer (PDHT) is based on TRAC analysis of LTSF high pressure reflood experiments, PDHT experiments at Winfrith and Harwell and the Winfrith ACHILLES experiment. The reduction in condensation is based on TRAC analysis of refill experiments in a scaled rig at Strathclyde University and comparisons with experimental data in the TRAC models and correlations document. The base case and reduced heat transfer case were compared with other similar calculations. The results were consistent, difference being accounted for qualitatively. The three cases were compared with one another. The resulting peak clad temperatures were: base case: 963 K, post-dryout heat transfer x 0.5: 1113 K, condensation Stanton number x 0.1: 1003 K. The reduction in post-dryout heat transfer worsens cooling during blowdown, increasing the second blowdown peak clad temperature. This higher temperature persists and the reduction in heat transfer further increases the maximum rod temperature, compared with the base case, during reflood. The reduction in condensation reduced the oscillations in core flow during the first 40 seconds of reflood. This in turn appears to have worsened heat transfer resulting in more rapid clad heatup and a higher peak temperature than in the base case. (author) 42 figs., 28 refs.}
place = {Switzerland}
year = {1991}
month = {Jun}
title = {Advanced LOCA code uncertainty assessment: preliminary calculations for Westinghouse 4 loop PWR}
author = {Coddington, P, and Wickett, A J}
abstractNote = {Three large break LOCA calculations for Sizewell B using TRAC-PF1/MOD1 have been performed. They are: base case, post-dryout heat transfer x 0.5, condensation Stanton number x 0.1. The reduction in post-dryout heat transfer (PDHT) is based on TRAC analysis of LTSF high pressure reflood experiments, PDHT experiments at Winfrith and Harwell and the Winfrith ACHILLES experiment. The reduction in condensation is based on TRAC analysis of refill experiments in a scaled rig at Strathclyde University and comparisons with experimental data in the TRAC models and correlations document. The base case and reduced heat transfer case were compared with other similar calculations. The results were consistent, difference being accounted for qualitatively. The three cases were compared with one another. The resulting peak clad temperatures were: base case: 963 K, post-dryout heat transfer x 0.5: 1113 K, condensation Stanton number x 0.1: 1003 K. The reduction in post-dryout heat transfer worsens cooling during blowdown, increasing the second blowdown peak clad temperature. This higher temperature persists and the reduction in heat transfer further increases the maximum rod temperature, compared with the base case, during reflood. The reduction in condensation reduced the oscillations in core flow during the first 40 seconds of reflood. This in turn appears to have worsened heat transfer resulting in more rapid clad heatup and a higher peak temperature than in the base case. (author) 42 figs., 28 refs.}
place = {Switzerland}
year = {1991}
month = {Jun}